Chapter 8- Thank You...

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Honey and I sat in the middle of my bedroom floor, still at the mansion. Mori, my uncle, and a few others were somewhere around here, discussing something. Honey and I were told to go do something and to stay in a room. Apprently this was a special meeting and they were not to be disturbed. I looked down at the board game in concentraction as I rolled the dice and moved my peice. Suprisingly the simple board game was keeping us entertained for the moment. Honey rolled the dice, he got three. Honey moved his piece up four times trying to avoid having to go to jail. I rolled my eyes.

"Honey-Senpai that's cheating!" I exclaimed as I picked up his piece and moved it to the square it was supposed to be in. Honey looked at me surprised before he began to laugh. It was a laugh of amusement but I could see the mischievous glint in his eyes. Nervously I asked, "Wh-What's so funny?"

"You called me Senpai." he said still laughing. I blushed a bright red and tried to play it off by shrugging. Why was I embarresed anyway, it's not like I ment something by it. My blush deepened at that thought. He smirked and stood up, I watched him curiously. He slowly walked around the board and I stood up, backing away.

"Honey," I started cautiously, "What are you doing?"

"Why are you walking away?" he asked, aware that he had the upperhand. I cursed to myself as I hit the wall, back presssed firmly against it.

"Wh-What are you doing?" I repeated as he stopped in front of me. His other self was obviously showing. I have to agree with Tamaki... Honey was bipolar.

"So I'm a Senpai, huh?" his smirk widened. His voice was dark, and his hair fell over his eyes casuing a slight shadow. It suddenly got hard to breathe and I felt goosebumps appear on my arms. I watched and hesitently shook my head.

"I-It was an accident... I d-didn't mean to let th-that slip."  I said softly, and again he let out a quite chuckle.

"Oh really?"

"Y-Yes." I stuttered. He moved a strand of hair behind my ear, and I gasped softly. His hand was oh so soft and gentle. I bit the inside of my cheek and leaned into the hand that still rested against my face. His smirk softened into a smile and my heart seemed to speed up. People say they feel butterflies in their bellies, but I feel a stampead. He was so close to me now, and he got closer as he leaned in. My eyes fluttered close when his lips touched mine. Pure bliss washed over me as our lips moved in sync. His lips tasted of vanilla icing and cake. I relaxed completely into the kiss, but it seemed as though we kiss for just a few seconds before it was over.

"Shina..." he murmered, my name on his lips sounded like smooth chocolate. Or a velvety, rich cake. I didn't answer. I didn't know if I could, my voice seemed to have vanished. His nose brushed against mine and I swear I felt electrcity flow through me.

"Hmm?" was my response. He smiled wildly at me, slowly he leaned in again. His lips getting closer and closer and cl-

"Shina-Senpai?! Honey-Senpai?!" Marie's voice came from the door. Honey pulled back in suprise and my face reddened. We had been caught, at least this person knew of us liking each other.

"M-Marie-Chan..." I trailed, unable to come up with something to say. Honey turned back to his old-self and smiled at the maid.

"Marie-Chan! I kissed her!" he cheered running over to Marie. Marie gave a smile and rage flashed in her eyes. I think I imagined it though, Marie is to sweet and kind to feel rage.

"Your uncle would like to see you." Marie said looking up at me. I tensed slightly but nodded.

"Where..?" I asked, and she seemed to understand.

"The Dojo out back." she answered and with that I left. I blushed lightly as I reached my hand up to touch my still tingling lips. That was only the second time I kissed him and I felt as if it wasn't enough, I wanted more. My bare feet were chilled by the wood of the porch that led to the Dojo. I knocked on the door and a few seconds later the door slid open. I gave a respectful nod to Mori and he led me inside. Mori's father, Honey's father, my uncle, and now Mori sat at the small table. They has stern faces, well, besides Mori's. His face as usual was expressionless.

"Have a seat, Shina-San." my Uncle said, patting the seat next to him. The seat was between him and Mori, across from Honey's father and Mori's father. I slowly sat between them, my legs folded underneath me and my head down. After all I was a female and this was a man's meeting.

"Head up child, there is nothing to fear." Yorihisa, Honey's father, said gently. Hesitently I looked up and made eye contact. I felt Uncle tense.

"Takashi-San as explained a few things to us. Concerning the marriage arrangment." Akira, Mori's father, followed up on the previous statement. I glanced at Mori out of the corner of my eye only to find him staring straight ahead at his father. I bit the inside of my cheek unable to speak, I sinmply nodded for them to continue.

"It has come to our attention that you have fallen in love with another. Is that correct?" Uncle asked, and even if the others didn't sense it I could hear the mallice in Uncle's voice. He was really desperate for a weathy marriage. Again I simply nodded, Akira looked at me and smiled. It was a kind, genuine one. It was then that I realized he knew from the start. He knew I didn't like his son, and he knew I had feelings for Honey. Yorhisa looked at my Uncle and nodded, it was a small converstation between the two of them.

"It is decided then, you shall choose who you are to marry." Yorihisa said, still smiling. I perked immediantly, and let out a small squeal. It was obvious I couldn't contain my excitmemt.

"Are you serious?" I asked, eyes wide. They chuckled and Mori's lips twichted as he fought back a smile. I turned to Mori and hugged him tightly. It felt as if a giant weight was lifted off my shoulders, and Mori helped. He fell back at the force of my hug, and he slowly hugged me back.

"Go... Tell Honey." Mori said softly, though he knew the others could hear. I blushed a bright pink and stood running to the door. I turned back to see them all smiling at me, except for my Uncle who looked disgusted at my behavior. However, I did not let that worry me or bring me down.

"Thank You." I breathed out. Then I ran excitedly from the Dojo and went to search for Honey. I was in such a hurry that I didn't even grab my shoes.


Yayy! I finally thought of something decent... I don't like it but I'm posting it anywa... Also the picture to the side is what I imagined happened between Shina and Honey!  :)

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