Chapter 10- I Wish Upon This Shooting Star...

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:'( Three more chapters after this.... That's why I keep updating I'm gonna focus on my other stories and I hope you understand.... This chapter is gonna be short to because the last few chapters are usually short.... Anyway I loved writing this, and I hope you enjoyed reading this... I hope you don't hate how I end the book... Though I told my friend and she wants to harm me.... Let me just say this... Make sure to have tissues... :S


It's been two weeks... Two weeks since I had that dream, and whenever I am around Marie I feel even more guilty. I have refrained from talking to her unless absolutely necessary. I stood in at the edge of the forest in the rain, not caring if I got sick. I just wanted to be alone. I looked up at the moon, it seemed to know my secrets. I smiled at the moon, as if it were an old friend. And in a way... It was. When I lived with Uncle I would always talk to the moon. I began to whisper my dream to the moon, glad to get it off my chest. I sighed in relief after I finished my dream. I sniffled and wiped away a few stray tears. The rain washed away my worries and I found that the guilt I once felt was gone. Well, almost gone. I gasped as I saw a shooting star, and I quickly made a wish.

"I wish upon this shooting star that I'll have my dreams go far. No matter what they may be, I wish to live happily." my eyes were closed and my hand was over my heart, as I recited the chant my mother had taught me. I've always wanted to be like my mother. I wanted to be as beautiful as her and as strong an brave as her. I wanted to have my fathers caring and seriousness. I miss them so much.

"Shina-Chan!" called out Honey as he ran to me. I turned around shocked, had he really been looking for me? His clothes were soaked through so I know he had been looking for a while. He wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"H-Honey-San?" I whimpered, hugging him back.

"I was looking for you... You had me so worried." Honey mumbled, kissing the top of my head. My lips began to tremble again. I don't know why I felt like crying, perhaps it was from joy because of Honey's words. Maybe it was because I felt guilty for making him worry, whatever it was it made me cry. Again, Honey sensed I didn't want to talk about it so he didn't question it. He just held me... In the rain... Telling me it'll be alright.

"I-I lo-love you." I sobbed against him. He rubbed my back soothingly.

"I love you..." he whispered gently. How could he love me though? I was being so bipolar and probably annoying. He pulled away just enough to kiss my forehead, and then my nose, which made me giggle through my tears. Then very gently he kissed my lips. I knew then, that I had to tell him. I had to tell him why I had been acting strange.

"H-Honey-Chan?" I whispered softly, when he pulled away. He pushed a stand of wet hair from my face, and then held my hands in his.

"Yes?" he asked in concern, rubbing small circles on the back of my hands.

"Don't h-hate me wh-" I started, but I was almost immediately interrupted.

"I could never hate you, so you can get rid of that thought now." he stated confidently, and I couldn't help but smile. However, it quickly faded as I started telling him of my dream.

"B-Both of you w-were on a boat.... A-And you g-gave her a b-basket. Sh-She opened it and p-pulled out everything..." I trailed off there, my tears flowing faster. It felt good to tell him, yet I was so scared of what his reaction would be.

"Shh, it's okay. You can tell me." he murmured kissing my hands, and holding them there. His words gave me a little bit of confidence.

"Sh-She pulled o-out a box... I-It was a sm-small one... An-And inside was... was a r-ring. Then... you two k-kissed." I whimpered out as a sob broke past my lips. Honey looked so sad listening to this, and it only made me feel worse.

"Shina-Chan.... I had no idea... I'm so sorry I didn't ask sooner." he gasped, pulling me against him again. I shook in his arms, from crying and from the cold.

"C-Can we go in-inside?" I mumbled, and I felt Honey nod. I let out a small squeak as he lifted me up bridal style. I laid my head against his shoulder. 

"You're so cold." he whispered, and I hummed a small response. The weight of the day washed over me and I suddenly felt very tired. My eyes fluttered closed and I felt Honey's lips touch my forehead as he whispered, "Sleep tight, My Love."

* * *
I awoke the next morning feeling refreshed. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was almost noon. I was in a black nightgown and I blushed as I remember the night before. I had slightly woken up as Honey changed me. It was long and brushed the floor, with thin straps. I sat up on the bed and noticed that Honey was not with me. But there was a note on his pillow.

Dear Shina-Chan,
Sorry I won't be there to see your beautiful face as you wake up, but I must leave for a while. I'll be back around noon. Don't go anywhere. Until I return Usa-Chan will protect you.

Honey and Usa-Chan

I giggled as I saw that "Usa-Chan" signed the paper as well. I got up and changed into plain blue sun dress. I brushed through my hair which to fifteen minutes. As I was getting up from the chair I heard the bedroom door open. I turned around and smiled when I saw Honey.

"Honey-San you're back!" I stated happily. I skipped over to him and kissed his cheek.

"Yes, Yes I am." he said, just as happily.

"Yay." I giggled as my smile widened.

"Will you do me a favor?" he asked, grinning and I nodded. "Close your eyes and don't open them until I say to do so."

"Okay." I said, shutting my eyes obediently. I felt him put his arms on my shoulders and he turned me around. I shivered slightly as something cold touched my neck. I knew immediately it was a necklace he was putting on me.

"Okay.... Open then now." I did as told and gasped. Before me Honey was on one knee, flowers in one hand a box in the other. Tears gather in my eyes. I looked down at the necklace and saw it was an amulet. I opened the necklace and my tears started to fall. On the left side was a picture of my father and my mother, and on the right a picture of Honey and I. On the back the today's date was engraved, and on the front it said Love Lasting Two Generations.

"Oh, Honey-Chan." I whispered, placing a hand over my mouth. He simply smiled at me.

"It isn't anything special... Just a promise ring." he muttered, blushing lightly.

"It is something very special. I love you Honey-Chan. So much." I whispered as I tackled him in a hug. Tears of joy streaming lightly down my face. He slipped the ring on my finger and when I saw it up close I laughed.

"What's so funny?" Honey asked amused, as he pulled back.

"The ring... It looks like a cupcake." I mumbled, giggling again. I smiled thinking to myself... Looks like I got my wish after all.

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