Chapter 3- What Tomorrow Will Bring

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I groaned and rolled onto my side facing the wall. It was still for a moment, and I had thought I imagined it. Then I was bounced off a bed. I let out a scream as I hit the floor. Blondie's face appeared above mine and I let out another scream, sitting up. Bad idea. I whimpered as my forhead hit his. I rubbed my head with a groan of pain.

"You better have a damn good reason for waking me up!" I growled. Today was saturday, which ment sleeping in late and no school. He just smiles at me and gave me a letter. I crinckled my nose in dismay as I tried to read the fancy writing.

'To the lovely Lady Higora'

It read in beautiful cursive. I looked up about to ask Tamaki a question but he was gone. How did he even know I lived here. I mentally face-palmed.

'I am a stupid sometimes. His father is Mr. Suoh, of course he would know.' I thought to myself. I then placed the letter on my bed and stood. I went to the girls bathroom and took a shower, washing out the remainder of the blue hair dye. I washed my hair with shampoo that smelled of Sakura trees when they bloom. As soon as I was finished, I stepped from the bathroom and wrapped the towel around me. I couldn't help but feel paronoid as I dried and got dressed. I brushed my teeth quickly and applied deodorant. I put on a maroon top, that had two straps that wrapped around my neck and tied in the back. Then I put on simple jeans and red flip-flops. My hair was almost dry at this point and I decided to put it up. I made a small twist at the top and wrapped part of it around like a bun, and I grabbed a decorated chop-stick and pinned my hair up. I smiled slightly as I looked at my reflection, I seemed older. Kind of like my mom when she was my age.

I picked up my towel and dirty clothes and other things before walking back up the stairs to my room. I dropped them in a clothes hamper and went to make my bed. I lifted the letter from my bed and opened. The handwritting was just as elegant on the inside as it was on the outside. I unfolded the letter and giggled as the smell of double chocolate cake filled my senses. I knew imediantly that it was from Honey. I sat on the freshly made bed and started to read.

Dear Shina-San,

It's me Honey. I am writing you this letter, because I am too shy to ask you face to face. I was wondering if you'd like to meet up with me at the restaurant just five blocks from the school. I'll be there around lunch time, I really do hope you come!


Honey and Usa-Chan 

I couldn't help but smile when I saw that he had signed Usa-Chan's name as well. I looked at the clock. I'd take me thirty minutes to get to the restaurant if I leave now, that'd leave me time to start on art homework. I grabbed my sketch-pad, pencils, and wallet before leaving. I took the stairs two at a time, almost falling three times. I walked out of the secret side door and smiled walking down the side walk. It was a beautiful day, and the sun was out whilst the wind blew. I felt as ease here, as if I were a Sakura petal on a fully bloomed tree. Everyone so similar but diffrent, everyone so realxed as the wind blew against the softness of their skin. They let the wind take them where they needed be. I was so lossed in my own thoughts that I hadn't noticed I almost passed the place I was supposed to meet Honey. I walked into the shop and a buger smell hit me immediantly. 

"Shina-San." Honey said as he walked over to me with a smile. He looked relived that I actually showed up. I waved and my smile widened. Honey was wearing normal 'Commoner, clothes. Shorts and a tank-top with a jacket over top of it. I led me to the front of the restaurant and we ordered, though much to my dismay he payed. I made our drinlks and sat down at the table. I then realized with a start the Mori wasn't with Honey. Mori and Honey never left each other's sides as far as I was concerned. Honey sat down with the food and handed me mine.

"Thank-you Honey-San. Ecpecially for paying. You didn't have to do that." I said with a smile. He chuckled softly in response.

"What kind of gentlemen wouldn't pay for a lady's food." He replied with a slight blush. I tilted my head slightly as I studied him. He seemed to act older when away from the Host Club, and the school. He looked older as well. It was strange, but a good kind of strange. I took a small bite of my cheese-burger as I continued to think. Honey seemed more at ease with me, almost like he trusted me with his life. I noticed slight movements from the corner of my eye and had to stop my self from laughing. In the back of the restaurant sat Mori, watching us. It was cute, that Mori would sit alone to watch his cousin.

"Hey, Honey-San?" I started, looking back at Honey only to find him watching me.

"Yes?" He asked.

"I do not mean to sound rude but, why did you invite me here?" I questioned.

"It's simple," he said leaning back in the booth, I raised an eyebrow at him. "You shouldn't be all alone on a beautiful day like this." he smiled. When we finished our food we stood and threw everything away but our drinks.

"Where to now?" I asked as we stepped from the shop.

"The park? I hear their Sakura Tree's are almost in full bloom." he offered. I nodded in response. Sakura's were my mother's favorite trees. Honey smiles as he grasped my hand. I couldn't help but blush lightly. My hand fit in his perfectly, and his hands were smooth to the touch. A warmth spead through me. Starting from the hand Honey held, all the way throughout my body. We walked down to the park, in a comfortable silence. I felt the need to say something but left well enough alone. As soon as we reached the park he lead me to a bridge. The Sakura trees lined the stream and the petals floated down and gently rested on the crystal clear water. It was a beautiful sight and my fingers itched with the need to sketch it out, with Honey sitting under one of the trees. Honey and I leaned against the bridge's railing and watched the small flickers of fish in the water. Hesitently a leaned my head on Honey's shoulder, and relaxed when he wrapped an arm around my waist.

We stayed there for a long time, long enough for the sun to start setting. I looked up at the beautiful sky, the pinks and purples and oranges making an array of colors. Then I looked at Honey who was watching me with a smile. I turned to face him, pink dusted across both of our cheeks. He leaned in ever so slightly and my heart beat speed up. I did the same and he entertwined our hands. My eyes fluttered half closed as our faces drew nearer to each other. His lips almost touched mine when we were pushed apart. I opened my eyes in shock and I hissed in pain when I hit my rear on the bridge. I saw the retreating backs of a few kids as they chased a soccar ball. Honey stood and helped me up.

"Thank you." I said softly, still embarrassed on what we were about to do.

"Meet me here tomorrow right before the sun hits the horizen." he said gently, pushing a strand of hair from my face. I watched him walk away without an answer, probably because he knows I'll show up. I smiled slightly as I turned and walked in the oppisite direction, excited to see what tomorrow will bring.


I UPDATED TWICE!!! I hope you like your suprise treat :D Love you guys! BAII~


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