Chapter 2- A Little About Myself

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I sighed as I finished picking up my things. School was over and now I have to retreat to my room. If you're wondering, yes I do live in the school. I came from London, because I was offered a scholarship. I am a very intellectual person, when it comes to school smarts, but not so much when it comes to other things. I come from a wealthy family, well they aren't weathly anymore, we had a manion and maids/butlers. We even had a few horses. I was spoiled little kid, always getting everything I wanted. However, most of my time was spent with one maid. Her name was Elizabeth Summingtion. She had pretty short brown hair and beautiful blue-green eyes. She always treated me kindly, and played what ever I wanted. And one night... I asked to go on Midnight Ride. So I could be a brave soul like the fellow, Paul Revere. She had tried telling me that it was to dark but she had caved after a said please for the millionth time. She snuck me out of the Manor and took me to my favorite horse. A solid black mare, that had glimmering gold eyes. She was a beautiy. So beautiful and sleek, I had named her, Liza. In honor of Elizabeth.

I watched as Elizabeth got onto the horse, she looked like air, so swift and smooth. I smiled when she lifted me on the horse. The moonlight illuminated the pathway as when rode down it, Elizabeth held the reigns tightly. I giggled happily, this was amazing, the crisp night wind through my hair. The cold gave me goosebumps but I was far from cold. Elizabeth pulled the reigns slightly and Liza slowed down. I could hear the rushing of the waterfall up ahead. I smiled relaxing against Elizabeth. I was around five when this happened. So I didn't really understand what had occured later that evening. We heard screams from behind us, and a loud exploding sound. Elizabeth, startled, whipped the reigns and the horse took off away from the sound. I started to cry as I closed my eyes. I didn't know what was happening, and suddenly Liza stopped.

"Get off the horse slowly, and no one gets hurt." hissed a gruff voice. I opened my eyes slowly to see a tall thin man, he wore all black and he had on a black mask. He looked very bulky and scary. Elizabeth tensed.

"What are you doing on our land?" Elizabeth asked, I had never heard so much venom in one sentence. The man laughed as he pulled out a gun. I gripped the mane of Liza tightly, as he lifted the gun to aim.

"Off the damn horse." he growled, and every so slowly did she get off the horse. She narrowed her eyes at the man. "The girl too." he added as an after thought. Then in a flash, Elizabeth had reached her hand out and struck the rear of my horse. The horse neighed and raised in the air kicking before turning around and running in the direction of the manion.

"DON'T LET GO!" I heard Elizabeth scream. I cluched the reigns tightly and turned back in time to see Elizabeth hit the ground. He had shot her. My vision became blurry from the tears. I rode back to the manor to see ash falling from the sky. My eyes widened as I saw the manor. It was set a blaze, the crackling and burning of wood filled the air. The servents, and my parents were dead. I didn't want this. I wanted to go back, I flicked the reins harshly and the horse speed up. I rode down the pathway that led to the road. No one was out at this time of night so I didn't have to worry about people being in the way. I didn't really know where I was going, so I just went. Liza stopped at a park that had a pond. I got off of her as she leaned down to drink. I clutched the reins and rubbed her side softly. It must've looked strange, a five year old girl with a huge black mare. I looked at my reflection in the water. My hair was messy, and the side braid Elizabeth put it in was nappy and not very neat. I watched as a tear fell, it dropped into the pond making the pond ripple. It disturbed the Koi fish, they scattered from the spot.

The fire reflected in the pond now, as my little mind played over the events that had just happened. I would not cry out, nor would I scream, that was simply how Elizabeth raised me. I was a lady and needed to act like one. I stood and wiped my tears, I pulled out the braided from my hair and left it down. I sniffled and dipped my hands into the pond, then over the dirt I cleaned off a little bit of ash. My heart clenched when Elizabeth giving me a bath flashed through my head. I shivered when the wind blew against my skin. I feel cold and hollow. I felt as though I was too young to have so many ghosts...

I was found the next day by a police officer. He had explained to me what happened and the contacted my mother's brother who lived in London. I pretened to know who he was and went along with it. Needless to say within the next three days I was in London. My uncle was a short chubby man. He lived in a normal two story house. His wealth obviously spent on his technology and cars. He was nice at first. He would buy things for me, and give me money whenever I asked. But as soon as his wealth depleted he changed. He got angry and drunk. Always taking out on me, and soon he started to treat me as a maid. I was to do the cleaning, the cooking, the laundry, the dog walking, you know simple stuff. I hated it, and when I was ten I was told about the Ouran Acdemy that was back in Japan. I wanted to go there, so I worked harder, complained less, made better grades. I had the strength to pick myself back up off the so I did. Now I am here, in the simple one bedroom the Mr. Suoh let me use. Sure It was weird to live at the school but I saw it as preperation for the collage.

I still am saddened by everything, but I know my parents and Elizabeth wouldn't want me to feel this way. So I try not to think about it to much.


It's a little short, and crappy but I hope you like it. :D This is to help clear up a few things about Shina.


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