Chapter 7- May I Have This Dance?

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I frowned as I looked at the three. If this was an engagement party I didn't want anything to do with it. Mori probably disliked the idea too. We weren't very outgoing people and I did not like the attention on me. Like once when I was in third year I barfed on the music teacher in the middle of Mary Had A Little Lamb. People laughed at me for weeks, though it was pretty funny.

"Awe, do you not like it?" Marie asked with a pout.

"No.. It's not that... I was wondering... Why am I dressed like this?" I questioned.

"A celebration honoring your engagement." Alice stated simply as the others looked at her and gasped.

"You were told not to tell." Mabel said, chastising Alice. I sat on the bed suddenly not excited anymore. They saw my expression and nodded to each other.

"If it makes you feel any better, it's traditional for the soon-to-be-bride to dance with the family members of her Fiance. So that means time with you know who." Marie said softly, yet cheerfully. I smiled slightly at the thought, it'd give me time to explain. There was a soft knock on the door and Alice opened it, Mori stood there in a tuxedo. He looked the same as normal except in a tuxedo, it was a black wedding tuxedo that hugged all the right places. In his pocket was a pale-pink rose and I almost gasped, that was Honey's Host Club color. I knew then that Honey was the one to suggest it, it had to be him. We locked arms with each other and I saw a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"Ready?" he asked softly. I nodded and we started towards the stairs, my heels clacked softly against the floor. Everyone got quiet as the saw the two of us, I blushed lightly as they stared. Then slowly we began the descent of the stairs. I felt as if I forgot how to walk, I swallowed and shyly looked around for Honey. I spotted him next to the array of food, a slice of cake in hand. I smiled in relief as we reached the end of the stairs. I tensed as Mori led me to the middle of the room, and when music cut on I wanted to flip.

"Mori-San," I hissed softly, "I don't know this dance."

"Follow me..." he replied simply as we began to dance. Slowly I got the hang of it, and was happy that I barely messed up. At the end of the dance Mori bowed and I curstied as everyone clapped. Everyone began picking partners and coming into the middle of the room as the next song came on. I walked over to the wall and leaned against it. A little boy approched me, he looked a lot like Mori except shorter. 

"Hello." I said, 98% sure he was Mori's younger brother.

"Hi, I'm Satoshi Morinozuka. Mori's little brother." he said cheerfully.

"I am Shina-" I started but was interupted.

"Morinozuka." he finished with a slight laugh, and I couldn't help but smile at his cheerfulness.

"Sure." I said softly, looking at him curiously.

"I-I well, since it's traditon. I-I was wonderin' i-if you'd dance with me." he stuttered, blushing lighty. I giggled softly at his shyness.

"Alright." I said as he smiled and pulled me back to the cluster of dancers. We danced for the rest of the song that was playing and then he said thanks and ran off.

"So you're my futrue daughter-in-law." said a voice next to me. I gasped and jumped a little, I hadn't seen or hear him approach.

"Morinozuka Akira, it's a pleasure to be meeting you." I said with a slight bow of my head. He chuckled and I tensed slighty. Had I did something wrong?

"No need to be so formal." he explained, and I nodded. Then he grabbed my hand and we began to dance, so I guess I have to dance with everyone. My feet will be sore by the end of the party. Akira and I talked of art, a weird subject to talk about while dancing. I could tell he was trying to lessen my nervousness. I fianlly was able to sit down and sighed n releif when the pressure was off of my feet. I really didn't like dancing but if it's tradition it can't be helped. I took a glass off a passing persons tray and I'm regreting it. It's clear and bubbly and it smells gross. I set it to the side before standing and followed a waiter to the kitchen and got me a glass of water. I then quickly left the kitchen. I took a sip of the cool luqid and smiled. That hit the spot, it refreshed me greatly. I sat down in the same chair as before, watching everyone.

"Shina-Chan?" asked a slightly unsure voice. I looked up to see Honey's younger brother, though he was taller than Honey. I remeber Har-Hee telling me something about him.

"He's taller than Honey-San and wears glasses; and though he's very strong, Honey-San is the stronger of the two brothers."

"Yes, I am she." I said.

"My name is Yasuchika Haninozuko. Most people call me Chika, though." he said, pushing his glasses up.

"Hello, Chika-San." I smiled at him, he seemed more mature than Honey. I wanted to chuckle at the thought.

"I was wondering if we.. if we, um, could talk." he said, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. I was more confused then ever. Why would he wanna talk with me.

"Uh, sure." I said, unsure of myself. I stood up and followed him to a corner of a room.

"This... Is about Mitsukuni." he stated getting straight to the pont.

"What about him?" I asked, pretending his name didn't affect me.

"He's acting strange... Since your his friend I thought you'd know something."

"What do you mean, when you say he's acting strange?" I question, a little upset and concerned.

"He... Well he barely eats sweets and he's always training. The most strange thing is he's barely around Taki-Nii anymore." he muttered with a slight frown.

"I don't know." I whispered softly, though it was a lie. I had caused Honey to almost completly stop eating sweets.

"Alright." he said, so blinded by his concern he didn't catch my lie. He wallked past me and left me to stare at the wall. I sighed and turned, this was the worst party I've ever been to. I moved towards the food table, and sat in the chair beside the table. I sighed as I looked at all the happy faces. They were thrilled about this party and I definitely was not.

"Champagne?" asked a stout man, dressed in white. I took a glass of the tray and smiled, not wanting to be rude. I took a sip, wincing as it slightly burned my throat. I looked at the array of food on the table, there was blueberry pie, apple pic, vanilla cake, pound cake, many diffrent candies, there was a choclate water fall, and a white chocolate watefall. They really went all out for the party. I bit my lip as I came to a decion. I decided to try the double chocolate brownie. I took the brownie from the table humming in appreciation as the flavours swirled inside my mouth.

"So good." I whispered as I took another bite. I heard a familiar chuckle and looked up to see Honey. I stood quickly as he approached me.

"Hello." he said softly.

"H-Hi..." I trailed. His smile wavered for a brief moment.

"I am so so sorry.... I-I should've listened.... Mori-San told me everything." his lips quivered and tears gathered in his eyes, he looked at the wall ashamed. I stepped closer to Honey and hugged him tightly.

"You are forgiven..." I whispered softly into his ear. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and buried his nose into my hair. I tightened my grip, glad to be in a dark corner away from everyone.

"You look beautiful, by the way." he murmured, causing me to blush.

"You look... amazing." I mumbled back, and he chuckled softly. He reluctantly pulled away, and I frowned.

"May I have this dance?" he questioned softly, holding his hand out to me. I nodded and smiled taking hold of his hand. He led me over to the floor as a new song came on. Honey placed his hands on my waist, and I put my hands on his shoulders.

"This feels right." I said so only he could hear. He nodded in agreement smiling lovingly at me. Maybe this party wont be so bad after all. Not only was this my new favorite song, it was my new favorite memory...


Sorry this is short I tried to squezze as much in but I'm not good with Ballroom parties XD lel I hope you liked it. To the side is what I imaged it might possibly look like and that's the song the danced to.


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