Chapter 13- Epilouge

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~Two Years Later~

I sat up in bed panting in a cold sweat. My heart clenched in pain and I closed my eyes. Two years excatly, she has been gone. I have not looked at anyone since I saw her. I pulled the amulet from my night shirt where it lay hidden. I opened the clasp, the two pictures still in here. Tears gathered and I blinked them away. After two years that day still haunts me, and follows me too my sleep. I stood and walked over to my window. The Sakura tree planted next to my window was in full bloom. Sakura trees were her favorite. The white button up I wore clung to me in a modest way, along with the black pants I wore. I ruffled my hair and left the room. No one talked to me today, they knew what today was. They didn't want to upset me further. I turned to the right and walked down the hallway, her bedroom was here. I stood outside the white room, hoping that she would greet me with a kiss when I entered. I turned the door knob and creeked the door open. Imediantly her scent overwhelmed me. Sakura blossoms and vanilla. I walked in and closed the door. No one has been in here but me. Even the maids weren't allowed to clean this room. I could hear her laughter as I sat on the bed. The pale pink sheets made-up, just the way she left them. I never touched or messed with anything, but if I did then I would put it back. Excatly the same way as before. I ran my hands over the satain pillow.

"I miss you." I whispered softly, laying on the bed. I layed there for a few moments before getting up again. I smoothed out the wrinkles I had caused in the sheets and left the room. I closed the door quietly and looked down at my watch. It was almost noon. If I don't leave now I might be late. I quickly slipped on my shoes and grabbed the basket that sat by the door. I left the mansion as I did last year and went to a flower shop. I bought a dozen pale pink roses and blew out a soft sigh. The man gave me a sympathetic smile as I left the shop. I walked to the cemetary where I saw Haruhi waiting by the entrence. Tamaki, her husband, was with her this time. When the memebers of the Host Club found out they were all saddened, but not as much as Haruhi and I. I smiled slightly as a greeting and they did the same. We walked side-by-side to the white marble stone with her name on it.

"Shina Higotora killed at age 16 but had a love lasting two generations" the headstone read. I bent down and layed the flowers on the stone. My heart clenched again.

"I love you." I whispered kissing the palm of my hand and putting it against the heart on her stone. I stepped back to let Haruhi do her thing. I started to unpack the basket. Three sandwiches, three backs of chips, and cake. A picnic. In a graveyard. How nice, notice my sarcasm.

"I miss her." Haruhi whimpered as she took her sandwich. Tamaki kissed the top of her head and held her close. I looked away. It reminded me of Shina and I. I sat next to her grave, laying my head on the cool stone. We ate in silence. After a few moments we were done and Tamaki took out the cake. I could tell he was egar to leave so he could comfort Haruhi in peace. I cut the cake into forths and gave Tamaki and Haruhi their slice. Very slowly I ate my cake. It didn't taste as sweet as cake normally would. This day was to bitter for anything sweet anyway. Haruhi offered to take the mess so I could stay here longer, and I agreed. They soon left me to wallow on my own. They also left the last slice of the cake I made.

"I found the poem you wrote for me. I hope you don't mind that I looked through your stuff." I whispered, shivering slightly from the cold winds. I had sat in silence for ten minutes before I stood and whispered goodbye. I held the cake in my hands as I walked. I was almost at the cemetary gates when I heard a soft voice singing.

I remember tears streamin' down your face
When I said I'd never let you go,
When all those shadows almost killed your light.
I remember you said "Don't leave me here alone",
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight.

Just close your eyes,
The sun is going down.
You'll be alright,
No one can hurt you now.
Come morning light,
You and I'll be safe and sound.

Out of pure curiosity I walked to the voice. I found two people sitting on a bench hugging each other. The girl was singing to the young boy who was in tears.

"Sh-She's gone," the boy sobbed. "Momma's gone."

"Shh, no William. She lives in out memory." the girl whispered, wipping his tears. She had to pull back to do this so I got a good look at her face. She had jade green eyes that seemed to hold sadness and anger, weather it was at the boy or not I wasn't sure. Her face framed with black, wavey hair. The littles amout of freckles dusted her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. Her skin was unblemeshed beside the freckles, but I wouldn't call them a blimish. Her eyes glanced up at me and instantly she tensed.

"I mean no harm. I only came because I heard singing." I asurred the girl as I approched. She held the boy to her, but didn't protest.

"Sissy, wh-who is that man?" asked the William as he looked up with tear filled eyes.

"A stranger." she said softly, as she watched me catiously. I crouched in front of them.

"You're sister is right, y'know." I said gently.

"Wh-What about?" he sniffled.

"Your mother, being with you."

"H-How do you know?" he asked.

"Because. I just do. I also have a surprise your mother told me to give to you." I grinned, it was a small lie but I couldn't let him feel sad.

"What is it?" he asked slightly excited. I held up the container with the last slice of cake. His eyes brightened as he took the cake. "Really? She sent you to give me cake? Mother loved baking cake." he exclaimed.

"William!" called an old womans voice. I looked up and saw a woman with a cane in one hand and waving with the other.

"Grandma!" the boy shouted and he jumped off the bench and ran to his grandmother, cake in hand.

"Thank you. For telling my brother that." the girl said suddenly.

"It was no problem." I said standing. The girl stood with me. She was to my shoulders and seemed to be my age.

"My names Annabelle Hitzuki, but most people call me Ann." she said holding her hand out for me to shake. I tensed slightly. I didn't know if this was tradious to Shina or not. Then, like a sign from the heavens, her scent reached my nose. I took it as an okay sign.

"My names Mitsukuni Haninozuka. People call me Honey." I stated shaking her hand.

* * *

Little did Honey know Shina stood by her grave with a satisfied smile on her face, for it was her who carried the girl's voice to his ears.

She didn't get a happily ever after, but she wanted Honey to get his.

~ T H E ~ E N D ~


:D AND THAT'S A WRAP! I hope you enjoyed this story :) I know I enjoyed writing it.


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