Arcee X Optimus

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Arcee and optimus were acting differently to how they should be. The team became worried as none of them had seen optimus or arcee. Now arcee was in heat and so was optimus so optimus was in the shower and arcee was trying to stay in her birthroom but optimus ended coming out of the shower as he could smell arcee's heat so he went after the smell only to come to arcee's room. Optimus knocked on the door but got no answer as arcee decided to go back to sleep and not have to worry about the boys but optimus had managed to get in only to be overwhelmed by the smell. Arcee woke up with a feeling that someone was watching her but she could only smell someone else in heat and it was her spark mate optimus. "are you in heat optimus as well" arcee asked and optimus noded his head and he kisses her all over then he did something they both needed optimus asked her to open up and she did just as optimus let his spike free and put it in her port  and she screamed at the sudden entrance and the rest of the team heard it and went to see what it was. Arcee asked "are you sure about this what if you get me sparked are we even ready for a sparkling" and optimus replied "only if you are sweet spark." arcee and optimus did not know that the rest of the team were out side listening to what was going on and so they all decided to open the door but they got nowhere so they left and lets say arcee and optimus have a surprise awaiting them.

Transformers Arcee Lemon requests now openNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ