arcee x bumblebee

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Arcee was just out on patrol with bee. As soon as they get into an energon mine they were trapped and poor bumblebee was in heat which didn't help. So now arcee had to be careful of bee. But since they were stuck bee  asked "arcee I know this seems crazy but would you mind helping me through my heat cycle?""ok but be careful not to hurt me." Arcee replied and she was roughly pushed against the floor of the mine and bee took both of their armour off. arcee gasped at the cold air on her bare prodoform and bee took his chance to slip his glossa into her intake. bee did not leave any part of her intake untouched, arcee on the other hand was surprised that bee was, how he was acting towards her.  bee's spike was twitching to be in side her as they were kissing bee put his servo by her interface panel so he could stretch her out. Arcee could feel something near her panel so she let her panel slide back and bee put two digets in her slowly thrusting in and out of her arcee through her head back in pleasure as the last time she had interfaced was with tailgate and cliffjumper back on cybertron before hand it was in the in the academy at night as they were stray's  with no creators to look after them but with optimus  being there uncle  he took them in. "Bee i need you now as i'm in need of you're spike ..." arcee said but bee would not stop teasing her till he put his spike in her intake/mouth to hut her up and she did. Arcee sucked on his spike and deep throat it which she ended gaging from, so bee took his spike out and put it in her value arcee moans at the feeling every thrust bee did brought arcee closer to cumming " bee ~i'm ~close ." arcee  moaned and ended up cummung any way. bee was close as well so he did not pull out but kept going. "arcee i'm so close and i'm sorry if i get you sparked." bee said truthful and arcee did not care as she could feel bee'sspike twitch inside of her as bee did the last thrust he came inside of arcee as she came on bee again. so they both scream out eachothers names. " arcee bumblebee do you read." optimus said over the com " yes ~ah~why~uh~what~do~you~need?" arcee replied as bee kept thrusting into her  " arcee are you alright ?" ratchet asked " no she's not can you not tell we're busy" bee said a bit harsh than meant. "bumblebee really let me guess you're in heat ?" optimus asked " yes why?" bee answered " i'll get you an oil bath ready for you and arcee also did you two want a room  to share ." optimus said and they both said yes

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