TFA arcee X ratchet

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Arcee and ratchet were busy doing work in omega suppream but omega supream knew ratchet liked arcee and ratchet warned not to do anything . Omega supream  move to the left and ratchet fell on arcee with there lips connected, as ratchet tried to get off arcee  as he can smell that she's going in to heat, she pulls him down harder to that she can touch his spike panel . Ratchet groan at the touch and the arousle arcee was giveing him made him just want to frag her in to obliveion  at the thought his panel slid back to reveal his hard member. Arcee saw that his spike was out and started to play with it to get him more aroulsed for interfacing  and it worked ratchet was now a moaning mess  on top of arcee. ratchet went down to arcees neck cables and was licking kissing and sucking to find her sweet sopt and eventualy he found it which thought the tabel around for arcee as she was now the moaning mess under ratchet. one of ratchet's servos sild down to arcee's panle and un did it and started to masarge it by rubbing his thum on the outer nod and was slowly putting a diget in her value. " ratchet what are you doing becaues what ever it is don't stop please " arcee begged and ratchet put two digets in her and was thrusting them in and out of her at a fast pace which had arcee moaning  quite loud " arcee are you ready for me to enter you or shall we carry on palying with eachother " ratchet asked and arcee replied " for~play~please~ratchet~ but ~ just~enter ~ me ~ already " arcee said as she could feel her overload coming at a fast pace but it stop all of a sudden as ratchet could feel her start to tighten around his digets " not just yet arcee " ratchet said and with that he got up and walked over to where he was working and grabed  what he was working on and walked back over to arcee and got on to his knees and place the vibrator that he had worked on by her value and put it in and as far back as he could. " ratchet what was that " arcee said as ratchet closed her and his plating and got up to go back to work  but arcee didn't know was that ratchet had a reamot for the viberater and turnd it on and started on low and slowly went higher and higher just so he could hear her moans. arcee how ever just wanted what ever ratchet put in her value out but then remembered that she had said that she wanted foreplay first before interfacing and now that was what ratchet was up to tho she yelped and ratchet turnd that viberater all that way up ad arcee could fell her oveload going all over her thighs. ratchet saw her overload and turnd off the vibrater and walked over to arcee and pined her to the wall and took both there panels off and in went his servo to get the vibrator out and he got it pout but replaced it with his spike " r~ratchet ~make~ me carry # your~ kids~ i ~want ~kids~ with ~you~ get~ me ~sparked~ with~ them~" arcee said as she overloaded for a second time that day and minutes later ratchet overloaded in arcee which more and likely did get her sparked with her  and ratchet's kids.

comment down below for a part two or any other request as i do any transformers fandom 

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