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UPDATE (10/07/21): HEY GUYS, I've had a couple people now send in requests even though in the chapter right after this I mentioned that requests are closed. Even in the newest chapter. Thanks for requesting but I'll state here, since more of you are reading this chapter... Requests are officially closed. Sure they may open at some other time but I'm still writing some from years ago plus I want to really give commissions a try to sustain myself. Thanks!


Ok so I'm gonna keep this short. I've been suffering from heavy writers block clearly seeing how a lot of my books haven't been updating in years and this one, for example, not being updated for months. I suffer with heavy chronic depression and anxiety as well as ptsd so sometimes I literally don't feel like doing anything and I've realized it's rather toxic of me to not try to break out of it. I still have my issues yes but I see that we have reached 40k reads! Thanks guys so much.. I'm not one that cares about views and stuff but seeing so many people enjoy my work means a lil something to me..

Anyway what I want you all to do is to send me requests, it could be anything and if I like what you sent I'll write it. I'm doing this as an exercise for myself to get back into writing like I once loved to do very much. Please help me out! I want to be able to enjoy writing like I used to so I do hope you all help me. If you take the time to send a request I have to ask you to give me a little description of what you want sort of to help my imagination create a good oneshot for you.

Anything is allowed, smut, fluff, angst, etc but do know as well that I haven't had the time or motivation to play the game so for Lucio's route I hope you send requests that don't spoil me. I'm not to into Portia or Muriel so you can spoil me on their routes but since I also don't like them that much, your descriptions for them when you send in requests have to be longer so I actually might care enough to write for them.

I think that's all for now but once again thank you all for 40K! 🎊❤️ I hope we can continue to raise that number and I hope you all take pity on me and help me get back into writing again. Updates will definitely be slow but I'll try to make sure it's all worth it through my writing and if you request isnt written all that well just remember I'm trying to work back up into writing like I used to. Have patience with me and don't be rude.

EDIT: OKAY I already have a coupe requests coming in that didn't seem to follow what I was saying earlier. Let me reword it to help us all out. IF YOU REQUEST SOMETHING HAVE A SCENARIO READY OR I MIGHT NOT WRITE FOR YOU. (The darling who requested Valdemar x Thicc reader, don't worry babe I got you so this isn't going to you) but to everyone else, I can't write without ideas so share yours with me. If I ask you to give me a scenario I expect you to give me one, keep that in mind. That is all for now.

LOVE YOU ALL! ❤️❤️❤️

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