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thank you all for the support you've given me on this book! honestly, i was going to discontinue it but when people asked me to update, i felt so determined to give you all good content!

anyway, i have a question for you! as you know, the world is undergoing serious awareness and changes, and i would like to incorporate some topics and subjects in this story without offending anyone!

i love to see stories with people of color, so i added some into my story! all sirens are dark-skinned people, and all korikos are south-east asian people (if you hadn't noticed)! more characters that will be added will be different races! i wanted to add some lgbtq+ content, but i'm unaware of how to since i'm really inexperienced. still, i want to give it a try because i completely support lgbtq+, even though i am not lgbtq+.

since i'm not 100% comfortable with writing lgbtq+, i'd like to incorporate it minorly! some characters may be bisexual or other sexualities!

If you ARE comfortable with me minorly adding lgbtq+, vote here!

If you are NOT comfortable with me minorly adding lgbtq+, vote here!

either way, i will still support the community! please don't take this chapter as me saying if some people don't like it, i won't support it. i 100% support the community, i just want to know if people are comfortable with me adding it, because everyone has their levels of comfort!

this is my book, and if anyone disrespects what i respect, you will kindly be asked to leave. and so, even if some people are uncomfortable with what i add, please remember it's my choice! :D

!!! remember, lgbtq+ lives, black lives, and asian lives all matter! the abuse they have got and are still getting is not acceptable! and just because people say this, it does not mean they are anti-white or anti-straight or anything, it's about helping the community they're supporting. thank you !!!

also, don't be shy to request more of a character if you notice they don't get much attention!!!

          irina <3


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