viii - the indwelling defeat

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[ WARNING: Akihiro's language includes very minor curse words like "d*mned" and "h*ll". Nothing major though, I promise :D (I really don't like swearing so there won't be any in this book) ]

IT WAS DUSK and the atmosphere of Jisora was gloomier than ever. The usually joyful and loud nation of Faeries felt crestfallen after having lost the battle against Eikonoha. Despite having Ginko as the powerful leading warrior, one of their new charms, the Euphoria charm, backfired and affected them instead. Eikonoha luckily drove them out with the help of Kahikari.

Sachiro's disintegrating beams of light had cut down blocks of evergreen trees, which landed and injured many Faeries.

Ami had overpowered the gusts of wind sent towards her that previously knocked her down and separated the Faeries by cracking the ice beneath and causing confusion.

And although it seems gory, Senzo resorted to stabbing the beautiful, multicolored wings of the Faeries. It rendered their abilities to fly useless. Don't worry, they heal quite fast, over the span of a week or two.

The battle that once seemed hopeless for the Ice Nation had the tables turned after the Faeries began getting drowsier and clumsier. They began accidentally charming each other. Ginko had no choice but to retreat. Ginko led the faeries back via flying, which exhausted them all, especially the ones who had to carry the injured faeries. Luckily, Ami and Senzo found no use in attacking back, so they let them go.

Lord Hiroki of Jisora was heavily disappointed in his heiress but did not dwell on it for too long. There was no time for grudges. They couldn't become crestfallen over something they began. They started a fight, now they have to finish it.

Jisora needed to improve their offense, so what better than making a treaty with the angriest nation around? Emperor Fumihiro of Ikarino was hungry for war and has been ever since. This man was probably the most chaotic leader in Yosono. He had no intentions of peace, he didn't care about anyone except his family, and he regularly ordered food from unhealthy restaurants because it "lowers his lifespan", which is apparently a positive attribute to him.

The alliance between Jisora and Ikarino would be officiated today, which is why Ginko anxiously waited for Akihiro in a private conference with a map of Yosono.

"Aki! Thank the Gods you're finally here!" Ginko exclaimed, sighing in relief. She hopped up from her seat to hug Akihiro, who froze in response.

The Crown Prince of Ikarino blushed but then immediately scowled, in an attempt to hide what he felt. He awkwardly patted her back. "Yeah, yeah, I'm here! Obviously, I had to accompany my parents! Why wouldn't I? I'm their heir after all!" He boasted, puffing her chest out.

Ginko watched him with stars in her eyes. "Wow! You're so responsible, Aki!"

"Of course I am!" Akihiro smirked. He held his head up and high and looked around. "Well, go on!"


"Tell me your next war plans! I'm excited! This battle will be legendary!" Akihiro exclaimed passionately. His hair started to slightly light on fire as a result of his excitement.

Ginko giggled, though it was hollow. Akihiro noticed this. "Battle? What? I just lost an important battle not long ago and I don't want to plan another one." She reminisced on her defeat. I'm such a failure. All I do is party! I'm given one task and I immediately let my people down, what type of Lord will I be? A horrible one, indeed.

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