iv - the new alliance

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KEZUI STARED AT the shore with a longing gaze. His eyes portrayed hope, but his mind knew what he wanted was difficult to get.

It was still early, at around ten am. Kezui felt a sudden urge to wake up, so he decided to watch the sunrise above the water. The second his body left the liquid, his legs appeared and he sat on a rock near the shore. Instead of staring at the sunrise as he planned to, he ended up staring at the shore. The very shore that separated Heinami and Choseki.

"Takara," Kezui murmured, "She's across that shore, across the forest. She's there,"

Like a lost child, he kept wishing for a miracle.

"But she'll never notice me," Kezui sighed.

She's always letting her curiosity swallow her, and she never notices what was there in the first place. I was always there! I was there when she fell in love with Senzo, only for her to find that he and her sister were in a relationship. I was there when she fought her brother and sought refuge. And now I'm still there watching her fall in love with the new guy.

The Heinamian Prince fought back tears as he realized how blind Takara was to his feelings for all these years.

Even Ami knows Sachiro likes her. And it's obvious Takara's heart will be broken by Itsuo if she stays silent.

Kezui felt an internal conflict. "Should I keep fighting for her? She acts as if she likes me sometimes, then all of a sudden her interest is piqued by another."

Still, she has the sweetest heart. She always understands me and is always smiling. She's so kind and caring, but she doesn't realize she's hurting me.

The waves crashed peacefully against the shore. Heinamian water meeting Chosekian ground.

"Even though our kingdoms hate each other,"

The sun slowly rose, shining down on Kezui's sun-kissed skin.

"Even though she doesn't notice my feelings,"

""KEZUI! Look, Senzo looks amazing in blue, doesn't he?"

"Hey, Kezui, can we talk? Kaede's been mean again."

"Oh, my stars! Kezui, look! He looked at me!""

His and Takara's shared moments were always filled with pure bliss. Pure ignorance and bliss.

"Even though the chances are low, they're still there!"

Kezui smiled, even though he felt so conflicted. He smiled and swallowed his pride.

"No matter what," He stared at the waves of his kingdom crashing against the ground he was forbidden to touch. "No matter what, I fight for us, Takara."

"KEZUIIIIIII!" Pandora's voice echoed through the empty surface.

He looked back to see his sister splashing in her siren form, calling out to him.

He sighed and responded, "What?"

Pandora giggled. "Are you still sad that Takara had to leave the debut early last week, 'Zui?"

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