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BEFORE THE WORLD became what we know now, it was a lonely world of endless black and loneliness. Empty, hollow, narrow, and useless. Nothing but inky, black energy nearly impossible to harness. There was only one creation given by the Gods; dark balls of dead energy that burst at the end of their lives. Other than that, nothing. The world was composed of all negative energy, not a spec of light anywhere. It was the exact definition of the dark.

And so the world lived on like that for millennia. The eerie sound of a dark echo shifting through complete darkness haunted the void. There was no life; a forever winter. Like an unused chalkboard, it remained untouched and void of life until the one fateful day.

The Gods pitied the dark void of nothing good they created, and so, they gave it one gift. A man.

A sorcerer rose from the ashes of a dying black star — the eldest black star, in fact. The sorcerer lifted both his hands and whiffed them around while he chanted words unknown. He continued until he reached his goal and extracted light from the darkness, and separated them. The darkness had finally become harnessed and controlled and turned into night. The light spiraled into space above and burst into flame, becoming day.

The next few deeds he had done created the world as we know it.

First of all, on the first day, he harnessed a ball of energy from the day and night each and created celestial beings, the sun and moon, meteorites, gas clouds, and finally, stars made out of light.

The second day he used the last of the ashes from the dead black star and created planets to his liking. He named them in honor of his creators but named his favorite "Yosono".

On the third day, he wept because of the deep loneliness he felt. The tears were so grand that they fell upon his favorite planet and gave it seas.

The fourth day, he threw little crushed meteorites into the seas, and they grew into plants and land.

On the fifth day, he decided to give proper life. So, he harnessed the biggest star he created and burned it. He used the ashes to give life to all sorts of animals.

On the sixth day, he created human life. No one knows how, since the temples with the myth were missing this part, but it is believed to have been through the same process as animals. The people were divided into seven nations: Ambers, Sirens, Vineans, Korikos, Deities, Faeries, and Demons.

The Ambers represented fire and destruction; the Sirens represented water and flexibility; the Vineans represented earth and creation; the Korikos represented ice and preservation; the Faeries represented wind and charms; the Deities represented light and healing; the Demons represented dark and curses.

On the seventh day, he rested and stared down upon his precious creations. He was truly mesmerized, but he still felt a pit deep in his heart. Because he was lonely.

So, the sorcerer took out a rib and strand of hair from his body and blew the ashes of a star from light, and thus he created a woman, his lover. She was a deity, whilst he was a sorcerer. But that did not change a thing.

The sorcerer named himself Tsukiyo and named his lover Amaterasu. They lived and loved together for more millenniums than the dark void of the world that existed before he came. And they were happy, staring lovingly at the sorcerer's creation.

But not everything can last.

The sorcerer became obsessive with his world and his lover and began going insane. He then molded the world into war by controlling his six nations, angering the deity.

The deity knew what had to be done. She deserted him and fell in love with a man of her same kind, the Demigod King, and had a daughter, becoming a Goddess.

For a while, the sorcerer seemed to have it all okay. He created a new lover in the same way. This time, he met the Demon Queen. They fell in love and had a son. During this time, the sorcerer befriended the leaders of the nations and founded a deep friendship with each of them. Yet, soon enough, he found himself going crazy again.

One day, he had enough. He declared war upon the deity race and threw the world into chaos.

The chaos ruined the beauty of the world, upsetting the goddess. She had had enough.

On the day of the first solar eclipse, the goddess disintegrated the sorcerer's heart and defeated him. The Gods were so embarrassed to have created him that they banished him into the cursed species he created, the demons. But it was not enough to bring the nations back together. They separated due to the lack of harmony and trust, and it would stay like that for a very long time.

The seven nations eventually stood against each other, plagued with long dividers and different beliefs, driving them apart. Now, the world of beauty was one of evil.

But the new generation has high hopes for their future.

My friends, this is the beginning of a new era; a time of hope.

Well . . . hopefully.


lol i'm a failure to the writing world.

this is like, the 234095th time i've rewritten this story like wHY IRINA.

n e way, i hope that 437563th time's the charm!

no, seriously though, please forgive my disorganized self.

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