vii - the confrontation

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ISAKA PACED AROUND her room, which was filled with gold, yellow, and white accents and furniture. She awaited someone who she just recently contacted under a pretense of "boy problems".

Of course, the all-knowing seer of boys, Pandora Ezume, agreed to immediately meet Isaka. Pandora was always the one to go to when you had relationship problems. This girl could teach anyone how to build and burn bridges. So, the only way for Isaka to get her to come over was to pretend she had a boy problem.

"I'm sixteen, why would I even have boy problems if I'm in my room or kitchen for most of my time?" Isaka muttered as she played with the hem of her dress, which was of course, yellow. She sighed as she laid back on her bed, staring at the star-decorated roof of her room. "Nevermind that, as long as Pandora gets here."

She couldn't help but feel guilty for temporarily abandoning her duties as head nurse at the infirmary. Yet, she needed to have this conversation with Pandora. After all, it was for the fate of Yosono, so it would not be in vain.

As a million thoughts raced through her mind, a faint knocking was heard at her window. Isaka gasped and quickly rushed to the window, slightly tripping her on her own legs. Isaka frantically opened the window to find Pandora openly hanging from the windowsill.

"Wha — what? Pandora, I told you to sneak in!" Isaka whispered, looking around the open yard outside to make sure no one saw the Siren Princess.

Pandora giggled as Isaka helped her get into the room. "Oh, please, that's too much effort!" Pandora exclaimed as she tumbled onto the carpeted floor of Isaka's room. She immediately sprung back up and latched onto Isaka.

"Okay, girl, so I know that we're not that close, but this is the opportunity for us to be!" Pandora squealed as she squeezed Isaka tighter, causing the girl to go blue.

"P-Pandora — can't — breATHE — " Isaka wheezed, grasping onto Pandora's blue, flowy and thin ankle-length dress. Pandora giggled as she dropped Isaka onto the floor. The elder princess then shut the windows and curtains.

"Okay, so since it's obviously Itsuo that you're having boy problems with, I suggest we do this," Pandora inhaled deeply. Isaka looked at her with concern and stood up. "We will break into the Demon King's castle, y'know, the one in the middle of the burning hells of Mokurai — I'm sure it'll be easy — and then I'll distract the terrifying Demon King who is undeniably powerful while you talk it out with Mr. Loverboy!"

Isaka blushed and deadpanned. "Pandora, we can't do any of that! And plus, Itsuo isn't the problem — "

"Oh Gods, oh GODS!" Pandora screeched, dramatically falling to the floor and clutching the hem of Isaka's dress. "There's another man! And it must be . . ." She gasped, her eyes widening as if she saw all the dirty secrets of the universe. "Either Prince Senzo or my own brother! Hmm, Senzo is unmistakably smitten with Princess Via . . . so that means . . . MY OWN BROTHER!"

Pandora began to run in circles around the spacious room while frantically crying about her brother's love life. Isaka promptly sighed, knowing that Pandora read the situation wrong.

Kezui is obviously in love with the lovely Takara, Isaka smiled sadly. And he's been ever since we were young. He'd never even notice me . . . he never noticed my feelings.

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