vi - the unwanted discovery

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IT WAS LIKE the week before was a dream, because Yosono looked so different today. The Deities and Korikos were in such a different state than last time. It was hard to remember the once peaceful moments they shared since they were in the middle of a battle.

Princess Ginko ruthlessly controlled the battlefield with the upper hand of being prepared. Ami and Senzo struggled since they weren't as agile as Ginko, and were forced onto defense since the faeries controlled the air.

Sachiro rushed into battle as soon as he could, bringing his strongest troop to help defend Eikonoha with Ami and Senzo, but was unable to become offensive since the faeries could easily drop attacks from above.

Eikonoha was in jeopardy, quietly relying on Kahikari as their last bit of hope. So here she was, Isaka in the emergency and drastic infirmary tents on the south border of Kahikari. As a training medic, Isaka was pretty close to professional when it came to Halo Healing. Also, she preferred healing over fighting, since she was never as good as Ami and Ginko in battle.

Isaka sighed as she read over the stats of an Eikonohan soldier, whose bloodstream was charmed to halt. Isaka had to perform an emergency spark in his bloodstream to reset it, which was really risky. As she put a bandaid over where she injected a needle, she wheeled a tray to the opposite side where she placed a heating pad on another soldier's shoulder.

"Princess! What do we do to Patient #67?" A Deity nurse called out as she let Halo mana emit from her palms to heal a soldier's concussion.

"Put him in the trauma center! Nurse Ushi will tend to him!" Isaka replied as she hooked up a patient to an IV.

The nurse nodded and finished tending to the patient, moving onto the next task. Suddenly, a painful yell was heard from a soldier in the closest surgery room. Isaka hated seeing people in pain and agony. That was why she was a pacifist.

After she finished collecting the reports of every single patient, Isaka stood up from her small desk beside a patient. "Nurse Totakkan, I'll be handing in the first daily report today!"

"Understood, Princess. I can take over as Head Nurse for now." Totakkan smiled, grabbing a needle from a cupboard.

"Thank you," Isaka flashed a quick smile, before heading out. She took the shortcut, the long hallway connecting the temporary council room of her father's from the infirmary. Every step was filled with worry for her brother.

Sachiro, I wonder if you're safe right now. I would never forgive myself since I did refuse to join you in the battle directly. Isaka solemnly held the report closer to her chest as she walked quickly in her nurse uniform. Then again, you'd never want me to join you. Always the honorable sibling, Big Brother. Please, stay safe.

Once she reached the door to the council room, she slowly reached for the knob. Until she heard a distant conversation. Isaka stopped moving and her breath hitched.

The muffled voices were male and female, adults, actually. Isaka felt confused and worried about what she might discover.

"Alliance . . . Mokurai . . . believe . . . trust . . . Pandora will . . ."

It was really hard to hear, but the Princess of Kahikari made out some words from the female. The young princess squinted before she took a deep breath and pushed her hair back to knock. She stopped when she realized what she heard.

cosmic chaos ➣ a zodiac storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin