Chapter 21

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It took few minutes for Xiao Zhan to realize what exactly happened between him and Wang Yibo. With his finger, he gently traced his swollen lips and felt an unknown sensation inside him. The thought that Wang Yibo and he shared couple of kisses in the last hour made something stir inside him.

On top of all these things, Wang Yibo's final words before leaving his room, 'I WILL FIGHT AND WIN THIS BATTLE FOR BOTH OF US' kept on ringing in his head without leaving him in peace. With complete frustration, Xiao Zhan walked towards his bed and got seated. He tried to relax himself first so that he can think rationally.

After he relaxed himself a bit, Xiao Zhan questioned himself about his own feelings.

Xiao Zhan - 'Am I angry?'

Xiao Zhan - 'Yes I am'

Xiao Zhan - 'Is it because of Wang Yibo and the things happened between us?'

Xiao Zhan - 'Yes'

Xiao Zhan - 'Do I hate Wang Yibo?'

Xiao Zhan - 'No'

Xiao Zhan - 'Do I feel disgusted about the things happened between us?'

Xiao Zhan - 'No'

Xiao Zhan - ' I like........ the things......... happened between'

Xiao Zhan - '.............I don't want to answer this'

Xiao Zhan - 'Do I like Wang Yibo?'

Xiao Zhan - 'I am sure I want to skip this question. He is my sister's fiancé. I can't and I should not like him'

Xiao Zhan - 'Why not?'

Xiao Zhan - 'Oh god please save me from causing some disaster in all our lives'

Even though Xiao Zhan didn't answer himself for the most important questions, he has already started to realize that, he too have some sort of feelings for his sister's fiancé. But he was so clueless what should he do next. He cursed himself for slowly falling for Wang Yibo, even after knowing the fact his sister likes him in first place. With the same frustration he fell asleep in his bed without even going out for breakfast.

It was almost noon when Xiao Zhan got out of his bed, when his sister came to his room with a bright smile and wake him up and asked him why he didn't join he missed his breakfast.

On seeing her sister's innocent smiling face, Xiao Zhan immediately felt guilty for the things happened in the morning. He instantly became upset with the thought that, 'he almost given up himself in accepting his feeling for Wang Yibo'.

On realizing that something was wrong with Xiao Zhan, his sister spoke to him in worried tone.

Xiao Jun - "Ge, what happened? Are you sick? Why are you looking so dull?"

Xiao Zhan immediately faked his smile and replied his little sister, "I am fine A-Jun"

Xiao Jun - "Ge, I am worried. Don't hide anything. Please tell me the truth, why are you like this?"

Xiao Zhan - "Don't worry A-Jun, your Ge will do anything for your happiness."

Xiao Jun - "Now you are confusing more. What happened please answer me directly"

Xiao Zhan - "Nothing happened, just relax A-Jun".

Xiao Jun - "Ge, can I tell you something? Will you take it seriously?"

Xiao Zhan looked at his in her eyes and said, "Yes"

Xiao Jun - "Ge, I know you will do anything and everything for my happiness and I have no second thought in that. But what I doubt is, 'you actually don't know what will make me happy'. Please Ge, don't guess in behalf of me. Please don't stress yourself with unwanted things. Be happy. Your happiness is very important to me. And that will definitely make me happy for sure. Will you take this seriously and be happy for my sake Ge?"

Xiao Zhan became very emotional and hugged his sister and said, "I am sorry my little princess. I am little confused and that is the reason why I am like this. Just give me some time so that I can figure out things. It is not like I wanted to hide things from you; I just don't want to worry you with simple things. Don't think too much."

Xiao Jun - "Okay ge tke your time, I won't ask you any more questions regarding this. But get ready soon".

Xiao Zhan - "Why?"

Xiao Jun - "We got guests and father asked as to join the for the lunch in the main hall"

Xiao Zhan - "Guest?!? But we already have Wang family here. Now who is the new guest? Can I have little peace in this palace at least for an hour?"

Xiao Jun - "Ge, they are not new. They are actually old, very old. And by the way, what did Wang family do to your peace of mind?"

Xiao Zhan - "Ah ah ah...... I was just joking.... Come on now tell me who are the new guests?"

Xiao Jun - "Oh it is just our maternal uncle and his family".

Xiao Zhan - "You mean along with his Wife?"

Xiao Jun beamed at his brother and answered, "YES and also his son and daughter too"

Xiao Zhan whined, "Oh no, why heaven has so much hater towards me today?"

Xiao Jun laughed at her big brother and teased him, "Enjoy big brother".

Xiao Zhan - "Is there a way for me to escape the casualty?"

Xiao Jun - "I don't think so. Now don't be lazy, get ready fast." with that she pushed her brother in to washroom to get himself clean and changed in an appropriate robs for the lunch with their guests.

Poor Xiao Zhan, without much options, just followed his little sister words and got ready to meet their so called guest in the main hall. 

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