Chapter 7

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Once Wang Ying's letter reached the reached the Xiao Kingdom, the king Xiao Jing accepted their visit and formally replied with an invitation letter. After the formal letter exchange between the Wang and Xiao Royal couples, both of them started to eagerly prepare everything for the visit.

On the other hand King Wang Yibo acted as if it has nothing to do with him at all and concentrated on his own duties.

Days passed and it was finally the day Wang family to start their journey towards the Xiao Kingdom. When everything was ready and the Royal couple waited for their son's arrival to start the journey, Wang Yibo came and informed his parents to leave first and he will join them after some time.

On hearing their son's words, Wang Ying and Wang Xiu got confused and they even doubted whether their son is trying to avoid visiting Xiao kingdom for his personal reasons.

Wang Yibo, who sensed his parents' internal thoughts, spoke "Worry not father and mother. I will definitely full fill your promise. I will never do anything to bring shame on you both. Why I am asking you to start first is, I wish to travel separately in my own horse not in the carriage. You both kindly start your journey first since, travel time in horse will be lesser than the carriage, I am going to start later.

Only after hearing their son's words, both Wang Ying and Wang Xiu relaxed visibly and accepted their son's request and started their journey towards Xiao kingdom with their loyal servants and guards.

Next day after his court meeting, King Wang Yibo along with his personal guards got their horses and started to travel towards the Xiao kingdom. It was almost like travelling in disguise. None of them can identify him as the king of the great Wang's kingdom by his simple look. If someone sees them on their way, there is 100% chance for them to think that they are some normal worriers who is travelling from one place to another place. Since his personal guards were the ones who got trained and brought up alongside of Wang Yibo under their great grand master, everyone knows how and why Wang Yibo does something. Hence it is not a surprise for them, when Wang Yibo told them to prepare their horses.

The journey towards the Xiao kingdom was swift and uneventful. Wang Yibo and his men reached the boarder of the Xiao kingdom well ahead of their parents' carriage. Since, he doesn't want to reach the palace before his parents; Wang Yibo decided to explore the forest and mountains region near the border.

It has been a well-known fact that, this particular mountain has no predatory animal in it. Hence they wander around the foot hill of the mountain in a bit ease. When they arrived at the particular spot where there is a large grass land surrounded by the huge trees and at one side, there is a crystal clear stream. Wang Yibo felt that it is an ideal spot for taking some rest. His thought was immediately understood by his personal guards and immediately started to prepare the area for them to camp there for the night.

As the sun started to settle on the west side, camp fire lit their resting area. After finishing their last bit of their packed ration, Wang Yibo decided to take rest for the night. When guards discuss the plan about how they are going to take turns in keeping guard for their king, Wang Yibo interrupted and told them to just take rest. When the head guard tried to protest against it, Wang Yibo shut him by saying, "Do you know even though it is a foolish thing, Xiao's prefer peace over anything and they simply trust everyone?"

Head guard – "Yes my lord"

Wang Yibo – "Then it is unnecessary to over stress. Moreover it is not that you all will be unaware of the slightest change in the surrounding when you are all sleeping. Don't forget that we all are trained under our great grand master. Now! Go and take rest."

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