Chapter 24

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Once Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan reached, Xiao Zhan's private training ground, both of them stood there in silence for few moments as if they are giving some moments for the other to process what exactly happened few minutes ago. But in reality it was just opposite. They both kept quite because they needed the time to process the thing happened few minutes ago.

After a couple of minutes of absolute silence, Wang Yibo was the one who break the silence first.

Wang Yibo - "I sincerely apologize for making you upset. I fully take responsibility for my fault and ask me anything. I will do it, to make it up for that".

Xiao Zhan looked Wang Yibo for couple of seconds and wondered, 'How come a cold and powerful king like him, is turning in to humble warm person in front of him in no time'.

Xiao Zhan's silence made Wang Yibo's brows to furrow in concern. He called him in his gentle voice, "ZhanZhan...." and that pulled Xiao Zhan out of his thought process.

Xiao Zhan - "Yeah... What were you saying?"

Wang Yibo - "I said I am sorry"

Xiao Zhan - "One must realise their fault and then they should ask apology from their heart and the most important thing is they should not commit the same fault again after apologising. Don't say useless apologies when you don't even your faults."

Wang Yibo spoke sincerely, "It is true that I may not fully aware of my faults, but I very well know that somehow I made you upset".

Xiao Zhan - "Stop acting sincere. Only your words looks sincere not your actions".

Wang Yibo - "I am really clueless. Please tell me what did I do wrong and what made you so upset with me. You can scold me how much ever you want but I can't see you so upset. Please tell me what I should do to make you better".

Xiao Zhan - "Don't act as if you worried. I am not a kid to believe your drama. If your words are true then you won't walking around the palace with your might grace and making both of my cousins falling for you".

Wang Yibo got completely confused with Xiao Zhan words, "When did I do something like that?!?!"

Xiao Zhan - "Oh! Now you are asking me? Without you doing anything only my cousin Wu Yan is pestering her mother to win you? And on top of that who is the one shamelessly behaving with my cousin Wu Jie in front of the whole crowd? What made you forget that you are the future son in law of Xiao family? What do you take us?"

Wang Yibo - ".............."

Xiao Zhan - "..............."

Both of them stared at each other for few minutes.

Wang Yibo - "ZhanZhan......."

Xiao Zhan - "WHAT?"

Wang Yibo - "By any chance...." With each word, Wang Yibo took a step towards Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan - "By any chance?"

Wang Yibo - "........are..... you....."

Xiao Zhan - "Me? What?"

Wang Yibo stood in front of Xiao Zhan and gently took Xiao Zhan's hand in his and said with a small smile in his face, "ZhanZhan, are you jealous?"

Xiao Zhan became dumb form for a moment. He doesn't know how to react to Wang Yibo's question. He asked himself, if he is jealous. His traitorous mind screamed at him that, 'he is not only jealous but also extremely possessive about Wang Yibo'.

As if reading Xiao Zhan's mind, Wang Yibo's smile became wider and his grip on Xiao Zhan's hand became stronger.

Xiao Zhan immediately try to deny Wang Yibo's claim, "Who said I am jealous over my very own cousins and who said I am possessive over you! I am just worried about my sister's life. After all you are going to marry her, so I need to make sure you behave well". Xiao Zhan doesn't know why his last sentence caused him unknown pain. But even before he could dissect his feelings, Wang Yibo got his full attention when he moved his hand from his wrist to his shoulders.

Wang Yibo held his shoulders firmly as if he is promising him and said, "ZhanZhan! Listen to me, I am telling you one more time! I Love you! I only belong to you! And will marry only you! It is the truth and you have to believe it."

Suddenly the unknown pain left him and he felt satisfied with Wang Yibo's word. Even though he wanted to accept the so called truth happily, but his conscious made him want to protest. He opened his mouth to argue with Wang Yibo. He was silenced by Wang Yibo's right index finger on his lips.

Wang Yibo spoke gently - "Please don't. Don't try to deny it Zhan. You don't have to feel guilty for your sister, because she knows I don't lover and I am not going to marry her. In fact she knows that I love someone else and she is supporting me to pursue my love. There is nothing to feel guilty about true love Xiao Zhan."

Xiao Zhan - "But....."

Wang Yibo - "No buts. Nothing is wrong in our love. It is only wrong to push me and your sister in to a loveless marriage. You must only feel guilty if I and your sister get married, because you very well know that I won't love your sister and she is only going to suffer in the marriage which you want for us. Do you think it is fair for all three of us? Don't you want your sister to feel the true love and be happy in her life?"

Xiao Zhan - "All I want is my little sister's happiness and she like you. How can I do something you make her feel sad."

Wang Yibo - "Xiao Zhan"

Xiao Zhan - "Yes?"

Wang Yibo - "I have a better solution for your problem".

Xiao Zhan - "......."

Wang Yibo - "Just take to your sister. Ask her if she still like me and want to marry me or not".

Xiao Zhan - "What will happen if I ask her?"

Wang Yibo - "Your only concern is that you think your sister wants to marry me right? If you come to know if she really doesn't want to marry me because is not interested in me anymore, it will make you not feeling guilty anymore. Then you can freely make a decision for your own feelings".

Xiao Zhan simply looked at Wang Yibo like a lost puppy.

Wang Yibo bend and placed a soft kiss on his fore head and said, "Believe me this once my love. Talk to your sister for our sake. Please know what exactly in her mind, then everything will become alright. Please".

Xiao Zhan couldn't do anything other than giving a small nod in acceptance.  

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