Chapter 16

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"It is never going to happen, because I LOVE YOU! ONLY YOU!"

On hearing Wang Yibo's confusion, Xiao Zhan heart skipped a beat. He could able to clearly see the sincerity and longing in Wang Yibo's eyes, for a moment he even wanted to touch and comfort Wang Yibo's face. But before he could do that, his sister face flashed in his mind and he pushed Wang Yibo away from him the very next moment.

Wang Yibo was shocked at Xiao Zhan's reaction.

Wang Yibo - "ZhanZhan...."

Xiao Zhan (with complete anger and irritation) - "DON"T!..... Don't call me like that! You have no rights to call me like that."

Xiao Zhan words pierced Wang Yibo's heart like a sharp dagger. He felt like something is crushing inside him. His eyes searched in Xiao Zhan's eyes with the hope that he get some kind of hint that everything is a prank but all he got is a fuming anger. He has no other option than to say, "Sorry".

On hearing, Wang Yibo' sad tone for the first time, Xiao Zhan felt a sharp pain in his heart. He immediately wanted to apologise for his behaviour and wipe out the sadness in Wang Yibo's eyes but he controlled himself for the sake of his sister and continued.

Xiao Zhan - "No need for your apologise King Wang Yibo. I wanted make one thing clear. In this past two days, I did everything for my sister's sake and as a crown prince of our kingdom; it is my duty to take care of our honourable guests, nothing more than that. Now if you don't mind, I have other important thing to attend and I will assign some of the guards to escort to your room".

After finishing his words, Xiao Zhan expected the return of arrogant Wang Yibo, who he first saw in woods but to his horror, the one who stood in front of him was neither arrogant nor angered. Instead he became completely frozen without any sort of emotion. It made Xiao Zhan feel bad and guilty for his behaviour and words.

Wang Yibo plainly said, "No need. I will find my way". With that he didn't wait for Xiao Zhan's reply and started to walk away from that place.

Xiao Zhan stood there like a statute and watched Wang Yibo walk away from him. Without his knowledge, he even asked himself, "Is he truly in love with me?" Then he answered himself, "He can't do that. He can only love A-Jun not me. It is better I should avoid him so that I will not cause trouble for my sister's life". With that he walked back to his room without knowing the reason for the pain in his heart.

Both the Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo locked themselves in their respective room and gave "tiredness due to travel" as a reason to other.

But they couldn't escape like that for so long. The very next day, Wang Yibo was informed that he has a meeting with his fiancé Xiao Jun after the lunch.

Even though Wang Yibo wanted to turn down the meeting and inform everyone that he loves Xiao Zhan and will marry only him. He decides to keep quiet until he knows that Xiao Zhan also reciprocates his feeling. Hence he accepted to meet Xiao Jun over a tea in the palace garden.

Similar way, Xiao Zhan was informed by the meeting between his sister and Wang Yibo, when his sister came and visited him in his room the next day morning. On hearing the news, instead of feeling relieved, Xiao Zhan felt so down. On seeing his brother's unusual behaviour, Xiao Jun got worried and asked him, "Ge ge, are you alright? You look like you are sick".

Xiao Zhan gathered himself and answered his sister, "I am fine A-Jun. I am just tired, nothing else."

Xiao Jun - "Ge, can I ask you something?"

Xiao Zhan - "What kind of question is this? You can ask me anything A-Jun."

Xiao Jun - "Can you tell me about Wang Yibo?"

Next moment, Xiao Zhan regretted his previous answer but he very well knows he can avoid answering his sister because that will definitely hurt her. Hence he decided to answer her.

Xiao Zhan - "What about him?"

Xiao Jun - "You both spent two days alone..... You may now know him better..... I.... I just want to know about him....., what do you think about him and his character now?"

Xiao Zhan - "He is nice man. A perfect match for you"

Xiao Jun smiled and asked, "Is it true?"

Xiao Zhan gave a puzzled look towards his sister

Xiao Jun - "Nothing Ge ge never mind. I will check on him myself when I meet him in the evening. I really can't wait to meet him".

Xiao Jun's last line made Xiao Zhan really upset but he forced a smile towards his little sister and wished her best for the meeting with Wang Yibo.

Once Xiao Jun left Xiao Zhan room after her conversation with him, Xiao Zhan couldn't take it anymore to stay there and watch the remaining things. As a result, he immediately left the palace by giving some excuse to his parents.

When the evening finally arrives, Xiao Jun enthusiastically got ready to meet Wang Yibo and reached the garden and waited for his arrival.

On the other hand, Wang Yibo got ready and walked towards the palace garden to meet Xiao Zhan's sister and inform her that he has zero interest on marrying her.

And somewhere in the woods, Xiao Zhan felt pain on thinking about the meeting between his sister and the man who confused his love for him previous day.

None of the three knows what future has been kept secret for them. But all three of them hoped that their future will be good. 

Thank you for your patience friend. I have been bombarded with so many surgeries in the hospital. I really don't have time to eat or sleep. That is the reason why I couldn't update soon. Hope you understand my situation. 

Thank You for your love and support

Manley Aiden

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