Chapter 5

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As informed by the chief healer, Queen Wang Xiu regained her consciousness after four hours. As soon as she opened her eyes, she found her son was sound sleep next to her and her husband was hugging both of them securely. The next moment when she remembered what exactly happened few hours before, she started to panic in no time. As she tried to get up and try to check on her son, her movements made the king Wang Ying to wake up from his sleep.

He was relived as well as nervous at the same time, when he saw his wife. He immediately tried to hold and comfort her. After he held his wife in place and got her full attention towards him, he spoke to her softly, "A-Xiu, please calm down. A-Bo is fine. Don't panic, you will walk him. Let him sleep. He has cried a lot."

On hearing her husband's words, queen Wang Xiu relaxed a bit but, she didn't averted her gaze from her son. Tears stared to flow from her eyes when she gently brushed Wang Yibo's hair with her fingers.

King Wang Ying, who felt his heart ache on seeing his wife in such a status, couldn't able to stop himself from asking her, "A-Xiu.... Believe me my dear; A-Bo is fine..... Please don't cry. Are you.... okay....? Do you want me to summon the healer her?"

King Wang Ying can clearly understand that his wife is still in the shock but her silence made him to worry more. He shook her bit to pull her out of own thoughts. Which actually worked, Queen Wang Xiu shifted her gaze from her sleeping son to her worried husband and looked at him in his eyes.

King Wang Ying - "A-Xiu....." He waited for his wife to speak and he was completely prepared to console her if she breaks down at any moment.

Queen Wang Xiu - "LET US SEND HIM"

King Wang Ying couldn't understand what his wife's words. He called her name with confusion, "A-Xiu?"

Queen Wang Xiu - "Let us send him A-Ying. Let us immediately send him to great grand master Shi Zen Lin. We should not waste anymore time A-Ying. Prepare everything soon. I want my son to be safe. Please A-Ying.... "

King Wang Xiu was shocked to hear it from his wife. He never dreamt that his wife will accept to send their son away from them one day. But, instead of feeling relived, he felt a pang in his heart. He immediately hugged his wife and consoled her.

King Wang Ying - "A-Xiu, ssshhhuuuu..... Calm down; look at our A-Bo. He is safe and he is sleeping peacefully. You have to relax and get well first. Then we can discuss about A-Bo's training".

Queen Wang Xiu - "No A-Ying, you don't understand. This place is not safe for our son. We failed to protect our only son A-Ying. Let us send him away immediately. I want my son to live long. I am ready to sacrifice anything for him to live long. I want him to safe A-Ying.... I want him to be safe.... Please do something..." She spoke as her tears started to flow continuously.

King Wang Ying wiped his wife's tears as he spoke, "It is not true my love. You saved our son. Our love saved our son. We didn't fail my dear. Please don't feel guilty. We will definitely send him to great grand master Shi Zen Lin. But not now, only after you recover completely. I don't want our son to leave us with pain. We will send him soon but for that you have to make sure that you recover fast. And more important thing is A-Bo should not feel sad or worried about us. So, you need to be strong for our son's sake. Will you do it for our child?"

Queen Wang Xiu couldn't do anything other than nodding her head slightly.

King Wang Ying - "Good! Now wait hear, let me call the healer to give your medications." With that he called the guard and ordered him to bring the chief healer to their chamber.

Few minutes later, the healer visited the royal couple in their chamber and examined the queen and gave her the dosage of medicine for her recovery. As she was drinking her medicine, the little Bo got up from the bed and rushed toward his parents, who are now seated in the visiting area of their chamber.

Wang Yibo - "Mother.... Father...."

Queen, who is in the middle of the process in drinking her medicine, got panicked when she hears her son's call. As a result she left the medicine on the table and rushed towards her son and lifted and hugged him in no time.

Queen Wang Xiu - "A-Bo, what happened my dear? Are you hurt somewhere?"

King Wang Ying - "A-Xiu..... Don't scare him with your question my love".

Wang Yibo innocently looked at her mother and spoke, "Mom I am scared. I don't want celebration. I don't want crowd. Crowd is bad. People are bad. They hurt mother. I hate it mother..." He started to cry heavily as he spoke.

Queen Wang Xiu and King Wang Ying started to console their crying son.

Queen Wang Xiu - "My little A-Bo, mother is fine. Don't cry please".

King Wang Ying - "Yes son, you are mother is fine and I have sent the entire crowd. You don't have to feel scared any more. Father and mother is with you son. You are the strong boy right? You need to be brave."

After convincing their son, queen finally finished taking her medicine which the healer gave her.

It took couple of weeks for the queen to recover completely from her injury and in the mean time both king and queen prepared everything to send the crown prince away for his training with the great grand master Shi Zen Lin. They also used the horrible incident and the those two week interval to mentally prepare their son to believe that he has to go away from them to become strong and powerful in the future so that he can protect his parents. Innocent child Wang Yibo also believed his parents word and accepted to leave for his training.

Even though Wang Ying and Wang Xiu felt so much pain to get separated from their son, they prepared themselves to accept the pain just to keep their only son safe and sound.

Finally with so much emotional hurt, little Wang Yibo was sent to the great grand master Shi Zen Lin's place, which is far away from the Wang's place. Both King Wang Ying and Queen Wang Xiu hoped everything will become alright and their son will be happy and safe from now on.

With the same feel they started to wait for the days to pass so that their son will be back to them as a safe and strong young man.

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