★ chapter 27

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Natsuki slid her back down the wall, her finger coming up to touch her lips. This kiss felt different. It was directly contrasting to when Yuri had kissed her at the bowling alley. This one wasn't forced, but rather, filled with passion. She couldn't help but wonder if Yuri had felt the same electricity. It was a spark that jolted through Natsuki's own body.

She felt her neck become hot. She wanted to get into a pool or a cold shower. Maybe then she wouldn't feel like her skin was on fire. Maybe Yuri had left her because she was afraid of the emotions she was feeling.

Natsuki closed her eyes, reminiscing the feel of Yuri's lips fervently moving in sync with her own. Her mind began to flood with persistent thoughts. She hardly took notice to the two people who had seen their entire exchange.

"Uh, Tanaka-san," Ichika called nervously.

Yuri stopped walking and turned, her arms tucked neatly behind her back. "Yes, what is it?"

"I was wondering if you..." Ichika cleared her throat, gathering every ounce of courage she could muster. "I was wondering if you were doing anything this Saturday?"

Yuri placed her index finger under her mouth, her gaze fixed on her top right. "Saturday?" she wondered. "No, I'm not busy on Saturday."

"Do you maybe want to hang out?" Ichika blurted. She desired nothing more than to simply become the closest to Yuri. She wanted to become special to Yuri.

No, not like that. After all, they were both girls. Ichika simply wanted her own name to be the first thing in Yuri's mind when she heard the word "friend."  That wasn't weird at all. After all, she'd never really had a best friend before.

"Sure," Yuri answered, her pace slowing. "Why do you choose to walk behind me and not beside me?"

Ichika quickened her pace to catch up to Yuri. "I don't know," she lied. She sheepishly smiled. She didn't want Yuri to know that she had walked behind her because she felt unworthy to walk beside her. "I'll walk beside you from now on."

Yuri gave her a bright smile, showing her white teeth. "I'm glad it's you, Yamamoto-san."

They were simply acquaintances at this time. Neither of them quite expected what would come next for them.

"I see," the first person whispered from the shadows. "Has someone finally won you over, Yuri?" She ran her fingers through her long black hair, which held the smell of a café. She quietly slipped past Natsuki and toward the direction she saw Yuri go.

"Tanaka-san," a voice said. 

Yuri turned around, Ichika standing beside her. "Can I help you?"

The boy glanced nervously between Yuri and Ichika. He fumbled with the white sleeves of his uniform. His body shook just slightly as he forced his voice to work. "Will you please..." He cleared his throat, gaining a burst of confidence. "Meet me in the courtyard after school!"

Yuri looked sideways toward her right-hand woman. Her friend offered her an encouraging smile. Yuri wanted to get it over with and just turn him down now, but she didn't want to do it in front of everybody.

"Sure," Yuri said, with one nod of her head. "I will see you after school." She grabbed Ichika's hand and started toward their next destination.

Ichika glanced down at their hands, a warmth spreading through her chest.



"Thank you for meeting me alone," the boy said.

"No problem," Yuri said softly. Her hair reached, coming to life from the wind. It flowed to her side, reaching out toward some unknown force. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well," he said. "I am in love with you!" He bowed hastily, his face went parallel to the ground.

Yuri's index finger rested on her chin. She already knew she wanted to reject him, but this time she wanted to ask something. "Why? What is it about me that you like?"

His eyes grew wide. "Um," he stammered. "I think it is your face."

"My face?"

"I think you're gorgeous. You're kind to everyone, and you're really smart."

"Interesting." Yuri looked down at her shoes. Her chest rose with a deep breath before she said, "I'm sorry, but I won't date you."

His eyes pleaded. "Why?"

"I'm just not interested."

"You and Yamamoto-san are dating, aren't you?"

This time, it was Yuri's eyes that went wide. "What makes you think that?"

"She's always by your side. I saw you two holding hands. You two grab everyone's attention just by being together. Two beautiful girls like you, how could you not be dating?"

Yuri was silent for a moment. Did she mind that people had the impression she and Ichika were dating? "Yamamoto-san and I have only been friends since school started," Yuri said finally. "We aren't even on a first name basis."

"Maybe you aren't on a first name basis in front of people, but what about when you're alone?" he prodded.

Yuri glanced at the fluffy clouds that moved over the courtyard. She had just now realized that she had never actually been alone with Ichika. They were always in public or around people. He didn't need to know that, though. "Well," she said, bowing slightly. "I can't accept your confession or anyone's confession. Not even Yamamoto-san. Have a good day." She turned away, walking toward the place where Ichika would be waiting for her.

Alone with Yamamoto-san? Yuri thought to herself. First name basis? His words swirled in her mind with the speed of light. She sped up her walk, spotting Ichika a few meters away from her. Yuri smiled, calling out her name.

"Ichika," Yuri said with a smile. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"I didn't expect to be here, either. Somehow, Monika found out I was in town and invited me," Ichika admitted. "I'm just grateful she doesn't hate me anymore."

"I have a headache," Yuri said, her palm resting against her forehead. She could feel her heartbeat in her head. Every beat brought a new wave of pain.

"You should watch out how much you drink," Ichika tutted. "I'll get you something." She left her spot beside Yuri and retrieved a sports drink, handing it to her friend. "This should help it a little bit."

"Thanks," Yuri said with a weak smile. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

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