chapter 008

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"RAIN? THIS IS SERIOUSLY NOT THE time!" I darted towards the concrete sidewalk and headed for the school doors. I hated the rain. Everything about it made me feel upset. It leaves you soggy, cold, sticky and, it totally ruins your hair. I don't understand how people like the rain. Like–unless you're a farmer that's going through a SERIOUS drought then I can understand, but people actively go out of their way to just stare at the rain. Like, do the grey clouds not drag down your mood? I pull out my phone and scroll through my Instagram feed before school while walking the rest of the way to the doors. Not really a smart move on my part since I crash into the antichrist himself.

"Eyes up when you're walking." Mason shoots an icy glare at me before opening the door, only for it to slam in my face before I walk in.

It does not seem like he missed me at ALL.

I notice he was wearing his usual red Jujutsu State Champion hoodie paired with his grey lounge-wear sweatpants; which he only wears when he can't find any clean clothes. From his outfit, I can clearly tell he rolled straight out of bed and barely put any effort in to get ready. My shoulders slump as I yank open the door and stroll through. I headed for my lockers and just sigh.

"Fucking hell." My locker door is jammed. My hands try to pry the door open but it was no use. I wouldn't say I had zero upper strength, but to paint a picture, I couldn't open a bottle of water until grade 3. Mason's locker was two lockers to the left of mine. And since my usual left-side locker buddy Delia Lawrence was out of town to go sledding in Maine, it gave Mason a clear sight of my struggle. He rolls his eyes and steps behind me, his hands grab mine and he effortlessly opens my locker. Just like that, it was cracked wide open. I crinkle my nose and turn around to face him, throwing him a sheepish smile. Instead of walking away, he just stands there, his chest pressed against my back and us staring at each other.

"So...Thanks?" I say in a confused tone. It was almost like he snapped out of whatever he was thinking about and backs away, walking back to his locker, not even paying me a second glance. Not even a "Don't mention it." Seriously what is wrong with him today? My attempts to discreetly stare at him weren't that discreet I'm guessing, considering Amira jumped behind me and gives me a quizzical look.

"Hey!" I slam my locker door shut in shock.

"What are you doing here!? Aren't you a college student? Shouldn't you be like...doing your taxes instead of bothering a 17 year old?"

"First of all, Mr.Howard wanted me to drop off a progress report on you. And two–why are you staring at Mason like he's the last slice of carrot cake? Pull yourself together girl! At least act like you've had your first kiss." She blurted. The familiar feeling of heat crawled up my face, no doubt I was probably as red as a tomato. Paris comes out of nowhere and chimes in.

"Actually Amira, she's had two kisses in her entire life. What a player am I right?" She says that last bit sarcastically. Amira audibly gasps. Loudly.

"Ooo do tell! Who are these past lovers that had stolen Alinna's kisses?" Amira adjusts her hijab as she starts to jump around us. I groan and rest my head against the locker door.

"First of all they're not 'past lovers.' I don't use the 'L' word and if I tell you, would you stop prancing around like an idiot?" I couldn't see Amira but I didn't even have to turn around to know she was nodding profusely. Letting out a deep exhale I grumbled.

"Okay. For almost my entire Freshman Year I was teased for kissing Lorelai Carmichael."

"Why were you teased?" She questions. I let out an even louder sigh.

"Because she came out as trans over the summer and this school thinks homophobia and transphobia is funny."

"So does that mean you're–"

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