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"Hey, sunshine."

"Are you eating well these days?"

"How are you?"

"I'm all good though."


"Felix. I missed you a lot." 

"You know, I flew somewhere else right away to free myself of such worries." 

"Coming back to an empty home isn't my thing."

"It's lonely, I hate being alone. But I always end up as one."

"I couldn't put up with it."

"I sometimes wondered, where did we go wrong?

"Where did I go wrong?"

"Is loving you, that wrong?" 

"Being an heir of a family must be tiring."

"I pitied you."

"So did you to me."

"I know I'm nothing."



"I just sprouted somewhere."


"Music has always been what I loved doing."

"We met at a business party of sorts. One of parties with all suits and prominent figures. I had access because I quite grew in the industry, making songs."

"You were introduced to me and so was I. "

I didn't know you're a big shot because everyone is. At that party."

"I was surprised at your voice. I asked right away if I could like create samples of it."

"Outside of that, we were quite stuck working with each other because of an internal deal. I was suprised that we're really working together. People say not everyone can talk to you, and i never understood until later. "

"You were always impressed at how good my English was, that I'm easy to talk to. I told you it's because I travel a lot."

"I always wanted to go to Australia because of Chan. So, when the offer came, I did not hesitate."

"You know he told me a lot about Sydney. You toured me around when I told you that."

"It only got problematic, when...


You may have accidentally seen me making out to one of the locals."

"You made him go away. I told you to go. You wouldn't let it go. "


"It's not like my sexuality is gonna affect you, your company, or my efficiency, my relationship nowadays is like a no attachment thing-"



"I have no obligations in explaining myself. But I still did. The guy just walked off. Well, I needed sex, what do you want me to do?"

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