Part 1: The Beginning

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The usual thing at the beginning of a story is to introduce the characters. So that's exactly what I am going to do. I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Edward, I'm ten years old and I live in the city - the inner city, in fact. I live in a small two-storey town house with Mum, Dad, my sister Alyssa and pet mouse Squiggles.

People often refer to me as 'Egg Head' or 'Brainiac'. That's because I love reading books, particularly those about science. I have my own chemistry set and love conducting experiments. Sometimes I get bored with my chemistry set and look for other ways to experiment, like the time I experimented on Mum's café latte.

Mum loves café lattes. So one day I decided to make her one.
'Sit down and put your feet up, Mum,' I said. 'I'll make you a nice hot café latte.' Dad always said that café lattes were too weak for his liking. He liked his coffee stronger, and that's what I did for Mum. I made her coffee stronger, much, much stronger. Mum loved it, at the time. However, the part she didn't like was the fact that she couldn't sleep for two days. That was the end of 'The Great Café Latte Experiment'.

Another experiment involved the cream for Dad's apple crumble. Dad loved apple crumble and cream. However, he was always complaining about how the cream would go sour in the fridge before all the apple crumble had been eaten. Dad would say, 'My shaving cream never goes sour. Why can't the cream for my apple crumble be more like my shaving cream?' So for this experiment I mixed Dad's shaving cream with his apple crumble cream. Simple! It didn't work, but the expression on Dad's face when he bit into his favourite dessert was priceless.

Mum and Dad run a fast food chicken franchise called 'Gee I Hope It's Chicken'. They've been in the chicken business ever since I can remember. They're passionate about chicken and run a very successful franchise together. They work hard and spend all their spare time with Alyssa and me. I love them a lot, even though they always smell like stale fried chicken.

It tastes better when you don't ask questions!

Alyssa is my sister. She is five years old and a typical younger sister. That means she's annoying! Alyssa is always trying to get me into trouble. She will even make up stories to get me into strife. Once she told Mum and Dad that I broke the head off her dolly when I saw her do it. I had to buy a new dolly for Alyssa out of my own pocket money. I wasn't happy!

When times were busy at the chicken franchise both Mum and Dad were there working long and tiresome hours. Alyssa and I spent a lot of time there ourselves after school and during term break, especially summer break. Right now it was summer break and we had a lot of time on our hands.

Out the back of the shop is a small yard where we can play. One of our favourite games is throwing golf balls at set rat traps. There were a lot of rat traps at the shop. Dad would often say in a joking and somewhat nervous manner, 'Where there's chicken there's rats!' He said this once to the occupational health and safety officer. She didn't see the funny side.

Being out of the house so much meant that our town house was often left unattended. So we were a prime target for burglars. In fact our town house had been broken into three times over a period of one year. We were pretty sure they were the same burglars each time because they left notes.

First Note

Dear House Dudes,
Thank you for the DVD player and television. We would have preferred a wide-screen plasma, but we're still relatively happy.
Have a nice day.
Bruce and Bazza
The Burglars

Second Note

Dear Gullible House Dudes,
Thank you for acting on our request and delivering that wide-screen plasma. The 106cm digital is the bee's knees. We also appreciate the bonus $200 left in the shoe box.
Have a nice day.
Bruce and Bazza
The Burglars

Third Note

Dear Pull My Finger You Are So Gullible House Dudes,
Thank you for the terrific alarm system. It will be a great addition to our place when we are out working late at night. A word of advice - alarms need to be switched on to render them effective.

Have a nice day. Bruce and Bazza The Burglars

Something had to be done. A hero needed to step up in this time of despair. Someone with brains, charisma and good looks to boot. That someone was me, Edward the Burglar Buster. They can take our DVD player, they can take our $200, they can take our 106cm digital plasma, but they will never take my chemistry kit! 

 They can take our DVD player, they can take our $200, they can take our 106cm digital plasma, but they will never take my chemistry kit! 

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