Part 5: Back to the Drawing Board

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The next day was Saturday. On the weekends, Mum and Dad took turns staying home with me and Alyssa while the other went into work at the chicken shop. I loved the weekends and so did Alyssa. Even though it was the summer break, weekends were the best because we got to spend time with Mum and Dad and didn't have to spend the days in or around the chicken shop. Mum and Dad also loved the weekends. Saturday was Dad's turn to be with us.

The weekend mornings always got off to a slow start and today was no different, at least for Dad and Alyssa. Mum was already off to work before we were out of bed and I was in the back shed, trying to get to the bottom of my dilemma. Dad was in the kitchen with his usual Saturday morning espresso and morning paper, while Alyssa was in her room playing with her dolls.

It was back to the drawing board. What was that secret ingredient? Coffee, milk, raw steak and cheese were ingredients I would keep. They made Squiggles strong, but what would make him bigger? Maybe I needed more protein. Protein is needed for muscle development. All the boxers, wrestlers and rugby players consume lots of protein.

Raw steak is a good source of protein, but if I wanted more I had to find other foods that contained higher levels. I remembered at school learning about the five food groups. I recalled that eggs and fish were high in protein. So I raided the kitchen and collected two eggs and a frozen Barramundi from the freezer to add to all the other ingredients. Dad was still reading the paper and took little notice of my scavenging. Altogether I had now collected:

Coffee (to stimulate growth)
Milk (for strong growing bones)
A raw steak (for muscle growth)
Curry powder (for a kick-start)
Cheese (for taste)
Beef jerky (for protein and strength)
Green sports drink (for stamina)
Dad's aftershave (for a butch and manly
One meat pie (for that Aussie taste)
Two eggs (for extra protein)
A frozen Barramundi (for extra, extra

Back in the shed I gathered my ingredients together. Squiggles, while doing his chin ups, was giving me a confident and reassuring look. It was as if he knew what I was trying to do. Had the last concoction also improved his intelligence?

There was a knock on the shed door. I hoped that it wasn't Dad. If he knew what I was up to he'd certainly put a stop to it. I stayed silent. Then there was another knock.

'Edward, are you in there?' It was Alyssa. 'No...I'm not!'
'Yes, you are,' she said. 'I can hear you. Can I come in?'
'I'll tell Dad!' she whinged. So I opened the door.
'Okay, you can come in, but be quiet and don't tell Dad anything.'
'What about Mum?' Alyssa really knew how to irritate me.
'No, not Mum either.'
'What ya doin'?' Alyssa asked as she started to touch the jars on the bench.
'Nothing, just experimenting,' I said frustrated. 'Leave those alone!'
'No,!' I replied, rather annoyed that my space had been invaded.

'What's that mean, Edward?'
'It's when you mix things together.'
'Like cooking!'
'Yes Alyssa, like cooking.'
'Can I help?' she battered her eyelids in an attempt to get her own way.
'You can watch,' I said sternly.
Alyssa sat down on an old milk crate and I began to mix the ingredients.

A little bit of this

A little bit of that Into Mum's blender and


The shed door blew open. Alyssa, Squiggles and I were covered from head to toe in the awful mixture.
'Daaad, Edward blew up the shed and I'm covered in goo!' Alyssa yelled in disgust.

Dad came running into the courtyard. 'What in the world is going on?' He sounded stressed and a little confused.
'It's okay, Dad,' I said. 'I was making up a concoction from my chemistry kit and forgot to put the lid on the blender.' I lied a second time, but I didn't want Dad to know what I was really doing. After all, if this worked it would benefit all of us.
'Goodness gracious Edward, be careful next time,' Dad said, a little more calmly. 'Look at your sister.'

I started to chuckle. Poor Alyssa had certainly copped the full brunt of the disgusting mixture. 'It's not funny, Edward!' Alyssa shouted with as much anger as a five year old girl could muster.

Dad, now trying to hide his own laughter, added, 'No, Edward, it isn't funny. Alyssa needs to be cleaned up and so do you. When Alyssa is out of the shower you need to come in and have one.'

'Okay,' I said, sounding remorseful. 'Sorry Dad, sorry Alyssa.'
Dad and Alyssa went inside and I quickly turned my attention to Squiggles.

For a moment I thought nothing was going to happen. Then, like last time, Squiggles demeanour changed. Instead of the steely, predatory look, he changed to a look of surprise. His eyes opened wider than I had ever seen before, his nose twitched violently and his mouth grimaced.


Squiggles farted so loudly and so powerfully that the shed shook and the door blew clean off. The smell was ghastly and I ran out of the shed shielding my nose with both hands! I had completely forgotten that this time I was supposed to avoid the curry powder. It was time to have a shower. 


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