Part 14: Our Hero

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I heard Mum and Dad arrive home after midnight. They sounded exhausted and went straight to bed after peeking in on Alyssa and me. I couldn't wait to hear their reaction in the morning when they heard the whole story about Squiggles and the burglars.

We all awoke very early the next morning in an effort to catch both Mum and Dad before one of them headed off again to get the shop prepared for the day. Today it was Mum's turn to head off early. Dad was already preparing her breakfast.

Mum was at the dining room table and said happily, 'This is a nice surprise, seeing you before I head off.' She gave Alyssa and I a big hug and kiss.

Dad rustled Alyssa's hair and pinched my arm. This was his way of saying good morning. 'So how were the little rascals?' He asked Mrs Murphy.

'Oh they were delightful,' she replied. 'We had a good night in watching a movie and having a game of Monopoly.'
Squiggles entered and Dad continued, 'Did Squiggles behave himself?'

Mrs Murphy, Alyssa and I looked at each other, trying it. Once Mrs Murphy started to giggle, all three of us were in hysterics. Mum and Dad looked rather confused.

Mrs Murphy left it up to me to tell Mum and Dad the entire story from beginning to end. All the while they were turning their heads to Squiggles and then to me. Squiggles had made himself comfortable on one of the dining room chairs. He had his arms folded and wore a smug, satisfied grin on his face.

When I had finished the story, Mum and Dad remained silent for a few seconds, trying to contemplate what they had just heard. Then finally Mum said, 'Well, I guess that's the end of the burglars.'

Over the following weeks, the crime rate around our part of the city had reduced significantly due to the absence of Bruce and Bazza. There were less house burglaries, less business burglaries and less car thefts. The local police were extremely happy and put it down to the diligence of the local community in improving security, but we knew the real reason.

Mum and Dad finally decided to let the secret out about Squiggles and the burglars to the police. They felt it was their duty to let the police know about the significant contribution Squiggles had made for the local constabulary. Mum and Dad also thought that Squiggles should be commended for his contribution in the form of an award.

One night Dad phoned the local police station to say that he knew the real reason why the crime rate had reduced in the community and wanted to show them first hand. After some convincing over the phone, Constable Freel and Wood reluctantly obliged and once again paid us a visit.

Squiggles was out in the back courtyard when Constable Freel and Wood arrived. Mum let the officers into our lounge area and offered them a cup of tea, which they gladly accepted. Freel began, 'So, you say you have the answer to our low crime rate of late. I must say that we have been baffled down at the station. Everyone, including Senior Sergeant Miller, put it down to the extra security the community were adding to their houses.'

'Well, that could be part of the reason, but I don't think it's the whole picture,' said Dad.
'So you said on the phone,' replied Constable Wood. 'What do you know that we don't? The burglars couldn't have just disappeared.' Mum, Dad, Alyssa and I laughed loudly.

Constable Freel and Wood just looked at each other, confused. Dad continued, 'Well I guess there's no reason to hold you in suspense any longer. Edward, would you like to do the honours?'

'I sure will!'

I left the lounge room to collect Squiggles from the courtyard. I lead him through the kitchen and into the lounge room. Constable Freel and Wood's eyes bulged in sync when Squiggles appeared. Wood, still holding her cup of tea, carefully put it back onto the coffee table, her hand shaking. Constable Freel looked mesmerised and then curious.

'It looks like some kind of giant guinea pig, or hamster.' Squiggles looked indignant. Constable Wood, now more calm, piped up, 'I think it's a giant rat. Is it a giant rat?' Squiggles looked insulted.

'It's a giant mouse,' said Alyssa. 'Edward made him. Isn't he clever?'

I then told Constable Freel and Wood the entire story from my experimentation to the point where Squiggles ate Bruce and Bazza. Following Mum and Dad's request, I conveniently left out the parts about Poopy's tail and Nat the health inspector. Those incidences were better left unsaid.

Constable Freel and Wood were ecstatic. Wood said, 'We've been trying to catch those two for years. They continued to taunt us with their notes and not just the ones they left in your house. Now that the case is closed we can tell you that these two jokers even broke into the police station one night after closing time. They stole two computers and left a note asking that next time we leave them a police uniform each to wear to an upcoming fancy dress party. Apparently burglars often have fancy dress parties and the most popular costume is a police uniform.'

Squiggles was a hero. Constable Freel said that Squiggles would be commended for his bravery and service to the community and police force. Squiggles looked suitably impressed. Freel and Wood gave Squiggles a big hug before leaving and I think I saw his fur blush pink with embarrassment.

The cat, or should I say mouse was out of the bag. It wasn't long before news got around the city about Squiggles. The media were in a frenzy. We had every television and radio station contact us for interviews and glimpse at this amazing giant mouse that reduced the city's crime rate single-handed. Squiggles handled his new-found fame quite well and looked very comfortable in front of the camera.

A reward ceremony outside the steps of the city council saw Squiggles awarded a medal of bravery and honour by Margaret Moore, the Lord Mayor. We were all so proud of Squiggles that day. He conducted himself elegantly, graciously and didn't eat anyone. Dad captured it all with his video camera and I think Squiggles must have watched it a hundred times before he finally had enough.

Within a few weeks there was more good news. The police had found the former residence of Bruce and Bazza only two blocks from our town house. The landlord of the house Bruce and Bazza rented went to the property to collect overdue rent and noticed that they weren't there. The mailbox was full and the grass hadn't been mowed. Later, when the landlord entered the house he discovered a collection of seemingly stolen equipment stored in one of the rooms. He quickly notified the authorities. Luckily, all our stolen items were returned, including Mum's diamond necklace. 


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