Part 7: The Burglars Strike

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One Tuesday night, Alyssa and I were out the back of the chicken shop throwing golf balls at rat traps. All the time I was thinking about the special ingredient. If I could turn Squiggles into other animals, surely it would be possible to just make him larger but in the same form. The phone rang in the shop. It was half price Tuesday and Mum and Dad were very busy, so they delegated telephone duties to me. I rushed inside and answered the phone.

'Gee I Hope It's Chicken, how can I help you?' 'Hello Edward, this is Mrs Murphy, can I speak to your mum or dad please?'
'They're really busy, Mrs Murphy,' I replied. 'It's half price Tuesday.'

'I know it is,' she said. 'But this is very important, Edward.'
I went to get Dad. Dad came to the phone. The conversation was very short, and Dad's facial expression went from one that looked busy and frazzled to one that looked disappointed. He put down the phone.

It turned out that Mrs Murphy noticed the front door was open at our house. She always kept a close eye on our place when we were out. We never forgot to lock the house before leaving so Dad went home straight away, expecting the worst. When Dad came back he said that the burglars had once again broken into our house. Mum and Dad closed the shop early.

We all arrived home and discovered that this time the burglars had taken money and Mum's jewellery. Mum was very upset because they stole a diamond necklace given to her by her grandmother, even though it was hidden in a very secret place. Mum was crying. I was angry! The burglars left another note.

Dear You're Not Much Wiser House Dudes, Thanks for the money and jewellery. We especially loved the diamond necklace!
Have a nice day.

Bruce and Bazza The Burglars

Two police officers called Constable Freel and Constable Wood arrived a short time afterwards to search for fingerprints and any other clues that might lead them to the culprits. They were very nice and helped Mum to calm down. Constable Wood said that she believed these were the same burglars that had broken into other houses in our area and it would only be a matter of time before they were caught.

Hopefully if they were caught soon, Mum would have her necklace back.

The next day Cameron from 'You Wish Insurance' came to visit Mum and Dad at the shop. We had gotten to know Cameron quite well over recent times due to the claims we had made each time our house was burgled. However, this time Cameron had bad news. He said that although 'You Wish Insurance' would pay out on this claim, they wouldn't again if we were burgled within the next year. Cameron said it was costing the insurance company too much money.

Mum argued that we had been loyal customers of 'You Wish Insurance' for many years and even had the chicken shop and our car insured with them. Cameron said that he sympathised with our situation, but it was company policy. He suggested that we get a dog!

That Saturday Mum and Dad didn't even open the shop. Our neighbours Mr and Mrs Maddocks, who had helped out in the shop previously from time to time, opened it for them and worked there all day.

Mum and Dad stayed home with us and it was a very strange feeling. Mum was still very upset and Dad just looked tired. I think the whole burglar situation was really taking its toll on them. It just wasn't fair. Mum and Dad worked so hard and these burglars were just coming into our house and taking what they had worked hard for. I just had to get this thing with Squiggles to work! 

 I just had to get this thing with Squiggles to work! 

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