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December 2018

Outside a chocolate shop, a girl with mask and cap quickly comes out and get into a car which parked beside the road.

“Sorry for the wait manager oppa, let’s go back to dorm.” Lisa said after she took off her mask.

“You bought two bags? Don’t eat too much sweets, that’s no good for your health.” Her manager starts to drive after he shoots a glance at what Lisa purchased.

“I will share with unnies, they will restrict me too so don’t worry.”All her members know she can’t live without chocolate a day. So her unnies always make sure she wouldn’t consume too much sweets.

“You’re lucky you have them. They always take good care of you.” He stops the car at a traffic light. “You know, I’m very admire Jennie for voluntary replaced herself with you.”



When Lisa arrived at dorm, she quickly close the door behind her and glances around the room. She found Jennie busy with her phone on sofa. “Jennie, we need to talk.”

“About?” Jennie tilts her head a little bit to her side. Lisa would yells ‘aww so cute’ if she doesn’t feeling upset now.

Lisa inhales a breath and exhales slowly. “The fake dating scandal.”

Jennie frowned. She don’t get what Lisa’s trying to say. “And?”

“And? You want to keep it from me forever?” Lisa grips her fists and stares straight at Jennie’s eyes.

Jennie’s face darkens. She get it now, Lisa know.

“So it’s true.” Lisa runs her hand over her hair frustrated.

“I’m trying to protect you.” Jennie explained. She knows it is hard for others to understand her point. Put yourself in a career crisis or perhaps mental health crisis for someone else? She don’t understand too but she knows Lisa is not a someone else.

“By replacing yourself in this? No. You call it quit, I will do it.” Lisa can’t stands Jennie’s putting herself in crisis for her. They’re both the same, they just care for each other so much.

“It’s too late to quit.  We’ve already shot photos that’s needed, story was done scripting, everything is prepared. The news will come out next week.” Jennie closes her arms and rejects Lisa’s demand.

“I don’t care just quit it.” Lisa shakes her head impatiently, she’s starting to lose her temper.

“What’s done is done, suck it up.”

Lisa heaves a deep breath and heads for the door.

“Where are you going?” Jennie stands up to follows her.

“I’m going to see CEO myself.” Lisa said through her gritted teeth.

Jennie grips on Lisa’s arm to stop her. “Lisa stop being childish!”

Lisa turns around abruptly causing Jennie almost lose her balance. “I’m not being childish! It’s you treat me like a kid, I’m a grownup woman I can make decision on my own.”

“You don’t understand!” Jennie’s grip on Lisa tighten. Before she can continues Lisa cuts her off.

“No, you don’t understand! I can’t let you get in those consequences because of me!” Anger and begging can both be found in Lisa’s eyes.

“You don’t know how much the backlash will come to you. I know there’s morons being racist to you just because you’re Thai, what’s more if you get more hates from the scandal?” An image of young trainee Lisa cried herself to slept flash through her mind. Before she could thinks her mouth opens itself. “That will be too much for you, all you could do is locking yourself in your bedroom and cry yourself to sleep again!”

Jennie’s eyes widen, she stunned by her own words. By the way Lisa’s body tensed up, she knew she screwed up big this time. She curses at her own stupid tongue. “Lisa I’m sorry I didn’t mean to …”

Lisa cuts her off again. “So you do think all I will do is cry?”

Jennie’s desperately trying to look into Lisa’s eyes. “No Lisa I…”

“Am I just a weak and pathetic little girl to you?” Lisa hangs her head low. Her voice shake at the end.

“Lisa please listen to me I’m sorry.” Jennie begged. She tries to hold Lisa’s hand with both of her hands.

Lisa pulls her hands back to her side. “Don’t… just leave me alone.” With that Lisa heads back to her bedroom without utter another words. Jennie can’t do anything but watch her tears slide down her cheek.


December 2028

An elegant woman sat in front of camera. “I remember that evening.”

[ROSÉ / Park Chaeyoung. Former member of BLACKPINK. Now active as a famous soloist, musician and founder of OurHomes (Charity organisation for animals). A close friend of Jennie and Lisa.]

“I rushed out from my bedroom when I heard their voices become louder. The scene was pretty intense, Lisa slammed her bedroom door closed and leaving Jennie’s shedding her tears alone in the living room.” Rosé grimaces at the memory of the loud bang sound echoed in her ear.

“That was the first time I saw them shouting at each other.” Rosé immersed in her memories. She also remembered a completely startled Jisoo popped out her head from her bedroom, the look on her face proved that Jisoo thought the same.

“They always been gentle and friendly to each other, sometimes way more than ‘friendly’ if you know what I’m saying.” Rosé gestured a air quotes by her fingers and chuckled.

“Anyway, after I failed on my 5th attempted to let Lisa opens her door, Jennie finally told us the reason and the truth.” Rosé rolled her eyes dramatically, she has no choice but surrendered at their stubbornness.

“We all did have small fights all the time and we normally will reconcile at the moment, but not this time.”

Jenlisa: Love Is In The Air (Jenlisa Documentary 2029) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora