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November 2019

A week after Lisa’s mom went back to Thailand, Jennie have a dinner date with her mom. They’re currently cooking together in their family house. Jennie’s chopping vegetables for Gamjatang while her mom’s preparing for side dishes.

After her mom put the remain Kimchi back into refrigerator, she called for her daughter. Jennie hummed, when her mom didn’t say anything, she stops her movement and gives her mom a questioning glance.

Her mom leaned her back against the refrigerator, looking at her solemnly. Jennie feels her seriousness, so she puts her knife down and turns around to face her mom completely. “What’s wrong mom?”

“Don’t you have something to tell me?” Her eye’s observing Jennie. “No…?” Jennie confused, her answer sounds more like a question.

“Pardon me if I’m wrong… are you… seeing someone now?” She chose her words carefully. From the look of her face, Jennie knows she was not asking a question but making a statement. Instead of blurt out the answer her mom might or might not want to hear, she turns around and continues to chop the vegetables then puts it into the pot on the stove. She’s taking her time to answer.

“Yeah.” Her tone emotionless, but inside her stomach flutter nervously. Jennie continues to stir the soup, her mom asks again, more softly this time. “Is Lisa isn’t it?”

Jennie stirred a few more times and placed the pot lid on it before she answered. “Yes.” Her tone firmly this time. She then turns around to face her mom again. “We’re seeing each other, Lisa and I.”

Jennie’s mom observes her silently for a couple of seconds, then carefully opens her mouth. “Are you two in a serious relationship?”

“Yes mom.” She explained. “We didn’t planned to hide it from you, we just haven’t find a right time to tell you.” She’s fidgeting with her fingers, anxious about her mom’s reaction to her revelation.

Jennie flinched when her mom touch her hand. “Relax Jennie.” Her mom gives her a tight smile. “I’m not against you or something.” Even though her mom assured her, her anxiety still didn’t disappear because she knows there must be a ‘but’.

“But do you aware of the risk if the public know about it?” Jennie let out a deep breath. She does aware of the consequences if their secret relationship see the light, Lisa does too. The couple had talked about it before, therefore they decided to stay as lowkey as they can.

“Yeah, no one knows about us except our members and Lisa’s mom.” Jennie loosened her frown.

Bur her mom does the opposite of it, she frowns a little. “But I’m still found out by myself.” She retorted. Her mom words made Jennie realised if her mom — who’s barely meet with them could found out about their secret, what’s more for the people around them everyday? Their managers, company staff, make up artist, hairstylist and so on.

The thought of it make her shivered. Jennie lost in her thoughts until her mom pulls her back to reality. “I just want to remind you, a company can be ruthless when they feel threated.” Jennie’s mom gives her shoulder a squeeze, as a senior who holds a high position in a big firm, she knows how far a company can go just to destroy anything that threaten them.

Jennie’s biting on her bottom lip, the burden of her relationship suddenly becomes unbearable, if she makes a mistake, her members dreams and all their hardships will be wasted. She feels hard to breathe.

“Jennie, I need you to know that no matter what, I will always by your side.” Jennie’s mom gives her a comfort smile. She didn’t means to scared her, she’s just worry about her only child.

“Alright mom.” Jennie failed to squeeze out a smile, she keeps her eyes on the floor. Her mom then places her palm on Jennie’s cheek to bring Jennie’s attention on her. “Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t ask you to break up, I just want to make sure both of you know your responsibility.”

She looks between Jennie’s eyes, feeling sorry for her child. “You know I love you, and Lisa too, right?” She’s trying to cheer her up. Jennie senses it too, so she fakes a smile to hide her worry. “Yes I know, I love you too.”

Jennie’s mom pulls her child into her arms. Her warmth instantly makes Jennie feels better. Jennie tighten her holds around her mom. “Thank you for not judging us, we’re really thankful for it.”

“Don’t mention it.” Her mom pats lightly on her back. “Next time don’t forget to bring Lisa here for dinner, okay?” A sincere smile finally broke on Jennie’s lips.

Jennie then spends the rest of her day trying to figure out how to make their relationship works without others notice. She knows it will be a hard way to go but she’s willing to fight for Lisa, for them.


December 2028

A majestic cat walks elegantly on his toes, he climbs up the cat tree by a quick jump, landed with a quiet thud, then moving upwards and settled on the top. He’s silently observing the scenes before him like a stealthy predator.

“We will be forever grateful for their supports.” The couple sat on sofa casually. Lisa mindlessly runs her hand at the lower back of Jennie, her hand occasionally sweeps inside her shirt and touch her skin underneath. Just like an old habit, Jennie seeks for more warmth, so she moves closer to Lisa and grazing her head under Lisa’s chin.

“I know we say this many times but we’re really thankful that our family and members give us endless supports, especially in our hardest time.” Jennie said softly, she feels a little sleepy under Lisa’s touch.

“Like when we have to mask our emotions in front of people, that’s the hardest part.” Lisa placed her thumb and index finger under her chin, thinking about they always have to carry their names as friend, even when they attend a private party they still can't show affections to their significant other unlike their celebrity friends.

“It’s hard to compose myself in front of others, you know when you’re dating The Jennie Kim.” Lisa gives the girl in her arm a playful wink. Jennie responds with a shy smile. “And the fact that your girl is popular, I can’t catch a single breath.” Lisa fakes a sigh then shaking her head.

Jennie tilts her head and raise one side of her eyebrows at Lisa. “Wait till I mention all the boys that follow you everywhere like a bunch of sick puppies begging for attentions.”

Lisa chuckled, she then places a kiss slightly above Jennie’s hair line. “It’s frustrating when people think you’re single then try to hit on your girl and we can’t do anything about it.” She smile weakly.

“Yeah, but having admirers is not an issue in our relationship, I trust her, but I don’t trust the people around her, so sometimes I will be a little sensitive.” Jennie pouted a little. Lisa chuckled as Jennie pouted more, she then squeezes her waist lightly to assure her it’s fine.

“The key point of how we manage to make our relationship works for this long, is trust.” Lisa said proudly. “I know she won’t hurts me intentionally, she knows I won’t too, and we always being honest with each other, that’s important for us to feel secure in love.” Lisa grinned, she’s looking at Jennie before looking back at the camera. They do wish the whole world knows they’re in love, but they don’t need it for assurance.

Of course their trust as lover doesn’t burst into sight on day one, they invested their time, patience, heart, vulnerability and assist each other on their way to become faithful to one another.

Jenlisa: Love Is In The Air (Jenlisa Documentary 2029) Where stories live. Discover now