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January 2019

3 weeks past quickly after the fight. All the members of BLACKPINK busy with their concerts and preparations for their next group comeback. Jennie has been extremely busy due to the extra schedules of her solo promotion.

Jennie has tried to apologise to Lisa on the next few days after their fight, but she’s only getting ignored by her. Her busy schedules and the pressure from Netizens after the news came out cause her hard to take a rest.

Getting ignored again and again by Lisa was like the last straw that breaks the camel’s back. So she eventually stop reaching out to her. She needs a break. She badly needs a break from everything that cause her so stress and couldn’t sleep at the night.

“Lisa, manager ask me to inform you our comeback will be push back for a while, decided by our company.” Rosé casually told Lisa after she sat down on the chair beside her. They were having dinner in their dorm.

“Why’s that?” Lisa stops her fork from poking the cherry tomato in her plate and turns to look at Rosé.

“Well we were very busy these days, they want us to take a rest so we could give our best for the next comeback.” Rosé avoided Lisa’s eyes and digs into her foods awkwardly.

Lisa frowned. She can tells Rosé is hiding something from her. So she ask again, more seriously this time. “Chaeyoung-ah, why our comeback being push back?”

Rosé sighed. She can’t lie. “It’s because Jennie. Her condition lately is… no good. Hence our company decided to give her a break so she can take a rest and recover.”

She proceeds to come clean about why Jisoo and her decided to lie. They just don’t want things between Jennie and Lisa become harder. It’s not like they worried about Lisa will be mad at Jennie because their comeback delayed, they worried about Lisa might blames herself in Jennie’s condition. 

Her words make Lisa realises there’s indeed something off about Jennie. Yes she didn’t talk to Jennie unless necessary since they fought, but she still pays attention on Jennie like an old habit, only now she didn’t ask her about it even if she thinks there’s something wrong.

It then hit her one by one just like dominos. She then realises no more netflix show’s sound from TV in the night, no one restocked for her favourite chocolate milk when refrigerator was empty, no more hands casually cling on her, no more breathy giggles from her favourite person. In this short span of time, they drifted apart.

Her heart start racing, she can feels her palms become sweaty. Then she feels slightly dizzy and nausea.

She is in panic. She feels like losing her breath.

And Jennie.

She knows this is her fault, not all of it but certainly apart of it.

That night she couldn’t sleep.


On the first day of their break, Jennie just lying down on her bed throughout the whole day and do nothing. When the dinner time past, Jisoo knocks on her bedroom door and help herself into her bedroom.

“Jendeuk, have you eat yet?” Jisoo pulls down the quilt to reveal a restless Jennie.

“I’m not hungry.” Jennie tries to pull back up her quilt to cover herself. Jisoo let her.

“Hey Jennie, I know there’s a lot happened lately, but don’t skip your meal okay? Our company will take care of the dead threats and the malicious comments.” Jisoo pats on her shoulder. Seeing no respond from Jennie, she heaves a sigh.

“Those haters are just being bitter, they don’t like women who are pretty, young, rich, talented and successful. You’re not like what they said you are.” Jisoo pulls down her quilt again.

“At least they are right about I’m a bitch.” Jennie lies flat on bed and stares at the ceiling. “Look what I have done to Lisa, I know she doesn’t smile like before even if she’s with you or Rosie.” She doesn’t saw or heard Lisa contiguous smile and laughter unlike before anymore, her smile now didn’t reach her eyes. “I chaesd the cheerful Lisa away.” Jennie looks into the void, feeling guilty.

“I know Lisa will understand your intention and you didn’t mean about what you said to her.” Jisoo comforted her. From the looks in Lisa’s eyes this past few weeks, she knows Lisa struggles to approach Jennie, meaning that even if they’re in bad terms but they still cares about each other.

Jennie laughs dryly. She realises she is now in a state just like what she said to Lisa – a pathetic girl who lock herself in room and cry herself to sleep.

“I’m deeply regret what I said to Lisa. I was wrong, she’s a strong girl and she can withstands all the hardships that throw on her.” Jennie wiped away a few stray tears, her hands quivering.

Jisoo helps Jennie to wipe away her tears. “Yes she is and so as you. I know you can get through this too.” Jisoo looked straight into her eyes and give her a warm smile to encourage her. “And I know you and Lisa will be okay soon, just give her some more time.”

“Okay.” Jennie’s clasping her hands together and stares at it.

“Alright let’s eat something so we will have strength to think about what can we do.” Jisoo pulls Jennie out of her bed. “I brought strawberry for you and you may stab on it with your little Disney fork to release your frustration.” It never failed to lift Jennie’s mood when Jisoo tries to, so Jennie’s lips finally cracking a smile.

Jenlisa: Love Is In The Air (Jenlisa Documentary 2029) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя