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"Actually, my Wei talked a lot about you that's why I was eager to meet his amazing teacher," GP said while sitting and Yunlan sits on his seat with chuckling

"Actually the truth is...your Wei is so adorable. He is able to win anyone's heart with his innocence and good heart"

GP smiles and shook his head slightly "What about your heart?"

"Sorry?" Yunlan didn't hear properly what the other said and GP shook his head "Nothing! Nothing.... What is your kid's name?" GP asks to hope to get an answer in denial and he won't see his Wei sad but Yunlan's answer make him worried

Yunlan gets surprised but he smiles "Her name is Bai Li" Yunlan told him all about his little angel

"How can I help you, sir?" Yunlan asks gently "Will you accept and take care of my little angel?" GP's tone was serious and determent

"What do you mean?" Yunlan gets confused and GP clear his throat before clearing his statement

"On the trip... Actually, I want your help in getting him his papa's permission. He is sad because he is not allowed to go on a trip and I can't see him sad"

GP told and Yunlan listens attentively "Okay, I am with you. We will surely convince him for Shen Wei's sake and his happiness" Yunlan assures GP and both smiles

After having a chit chat for some time GP takes his leave and Yunlan accompany him to his car but while entering the car GP invited him for dinner at their home

At first, Yunlan denies it but on GP's insistence he gets agreed and both hugs... In the class, Wei was waiting and wondering about what his GP and Yunlan talked about

Yunlan enters the class and smiles looking at lost Wei "Hello class" Yunlan addresses the class eyes fixed on the lost beauty "Shen Wei?" He tries to avert his attention but other was still lost thinking about something. Actually, he was thinking about his GP's words of Yunlan's marriage

"Are you okay?" Yunlan comes closer and ruffles his hairs as the other class was also smiling "This can't happen. No" Wei unconsciously shout while standing but he stumbles and falls upon Yunlan's chest

Luckily Yunlan also saves him from further falling and Wei hugs his chest feeling his desired warmth. His heart starts running a marathon on its own. Yunlan coughed and the class start laughing as Wei looks like a scared cat

He opens his eyes and looks around then at his Yunlan. Both smiles and Yunlan caresses his face "Are you really ok, prince? Is everything alright? You looked disturbed"

"I am fine... excuse me" He takes his bag and leaves the class in a hurry. He runs and sits on a bench outside thinking about his teacher "What if he is really married? And have kids? What if he rejects me and my love?... God, please don't do this with me. I can't live without him"

A stream of tears starts making its way on his pale cheeks. He starts feeling suffocated by just the thoughts of him being married. He calls his GP but unfortunately, Shen was also sitting with him and GP put the phone on speaker as they were missing their cute prince so much

"Hello, baba's life," GP asks smiling and politely but their smile fades away as soon as they heard Wei's crying and sobbing

"Hello, baba's life," GP asks smiling and politely but their smile fades away as soon as they heard Wei's crying and sobbing

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BEATS OF PASSION (Habitat of love) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now