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"Bus? Where is the bus? I told you that I want to ride the bus" Wei whined in Yunlan's lap when Yunlan didn't stop giving his attention to the other one. Shen Wei suddenly start crying again clinging to his chest making yunlan worried

"What happened? Are you alright? Your arm is hurting?"

Shen Wei shook his head and keep crying. Yunlan was already worried now his crying makes the other student worried too. Yunlan pulled him back looking at his face

"What happened, Shen Wei? Tell me something, don't make me worried, baby" Yunlan was so polite and worried, he wipes Shen Wei's eyes and asks again and Shen Wei again cling to his chest, crying and sobbing

"I don't know! I don't like... any..thing" Shen Wei covers his mouth as the urge to vomit appears suddenly "Stop the car!" Yunlan shout and Wei runs outside covering his mouth. Yunlan follows and Shen Wei throws everything under a tree. He was still crying placing his hand on his chest

Yunlan becomes worried dead and he panicked seeing Shen Wei's condition right now. He comes forward and holds his shoulders. After washing his mouth with the water given by his teacher

Shen Wei stands and he stumbles like a drunken person. Yunlan starts feeling angry at the doctor seeing his condition. Shen Wei was about to speak but the other student again shows up worriedly holding some papers and stands beside Yunlan which irritates Shen Wei again

His head was spinning slightly "Tell me, Shen Wei! What happened to you, suddenly? You were alright at start" Yunlan holds his shoulders and Wei steps back. He was blinking silently like his eyelids were so heavy and burdened

"Are you alright?" Yunlan steps forward and Wei steps back "I don't want to go with you, teacher! I don't want to go on this trip, leave me here!" Shen Wei said in broken voice slowly and suddenly he turns and start running backward

Yunlan takes no time in running behind him "Shen Wei?......... Tell me your problem and I will solve it............ Don't run, kiddo!" Yunlan shouts and runs fast to reach him. Wei was just running without thinking anything and without knowing any direction

"Noo!!" Yunlan grabs his arm with a sudden jolt and pulled him back in his embrace. Wei snuggles more in his chest and smiles after escaping a huge accident, all thanks to Yunlan who pulled him back at the right time

Yunlan was breathing heavily recalling the scene which takes place a few moments earlier. He pressed Shen Wei more closer and close his eyes tightly feeling his soft breathing against his heart

The thought frightened him of what would have happened if he won't run behind him. Shen Wei was about to crash with a coming car but right on time Yunlan pulled him back caging him in his arms

Shen Wei didn't want to retrieve from this place and after making sure that this little devil is safe, Yunlan broke the embrace and looks at his face. Shen Wei was smiling with drunken gazes "I just want to kill that doctor!" Yunlan grit his teeth and Shen Wei recalls that student again

He steps back and Yunlan holds him tightly this time "Enough!........ Tell me, what is bothering you? Tell me if you are not fine!..... Just speak Shen Wei" Yunlan didn't dare to commit the mistake of leaving him again

Shen Wei lost all his energy and he falls over Yunlan's chest. Yunlan covers him in his arms and tries to hear what he was mumbling

"I don't like him, you are only mine, you are just my teacher.......... Make him stay away from you" Shen Wei clenches his shirt in frustration and cries in his half-unconscious state. Yunlan picks him in his arms dearly and Wei wraps his arms around his neck

BEATS OF PASSION (Habitat of love) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now