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Yunlan enters and his little daughter comes running to hug him "I love you daddy" She said Yunlan hugs her back while picking her up in his arms "Daddy loves his daughter too"

"You took a long time to come back" Yunlan's wife spoke politely but he ignored her and went inside "Baby, why are you ignoring me?" She runs behind him but Yunlan didn't respond but walks straight having his daughter in his arms

"I will see how long you keep your drama" She shouts this time forgetting her polite attitude "This what you are good at" Yunlan replies back this time and she fumes in anger

On Wei's house, everyone was watching a movie as some guests also came for a grand dinner. Wei comes and looks for a place but every corner was filled and there was no room left for his little body

"Papa, I have no place to sit and watch the movie" He complains and everyone present there looks at him with love because all the guests were elders and cousins of his mom and dad "Come and sit here" Shen adjusts his posture and calls his son for sitting on his laps

Wei comes making his way towards his dad and he sits in his lap clinging to his chest and resting his head on his chest "Comfortable?" Shen asks him

"Hmmm" Wei nods and rubs his nose. He start watching the action movie and the uncle sitting beside his father ruffles his hairs "You son is adorable. Protect him always" He compliments

"His father is enough for pampering him" Wei's mom said as she was sitting on a sofa with other ladies "He is too adorable. Who don't want to pamper him" That uncle laughs and instead everyone laughs

"You guys are not pampering me but you all are buttering me" Wei said but his eyes are fixed on a big screen in front of them all. Everyone again laughs and Shen holds wraps him more pulling him to his chest

After about half an hour Wei yawns as he was the only one younger body among the room full of old people "Wei, my baby, go and sleep in your room. You are sleepy" His mom said but Wei didn't want to leave

"I am fine mama. I don't want to go now" He replied and yawns again

"Okay, sleep here" Shen said and continue watching the movie

"Darling, you are moving here and there constantly like action in the movie. How can he sleep here comfortably?" Yeon was worried for her son

"I am moving but I am holding him as well. I love him more, so, don't worry. He is comfortable here" Shen replies back without averting his eyes from the screen

"Right Wei?" Shen looks down at Wei's face on his chest and chuckles seeing that he was already slept

"He is sleeping already" Yeon also smiles

Shen makes his position more comfortable and make Wei lay like a baby wrapping his body completely in his big arms

"Make him sleep in the room" Shen's cousin said but he was reluctant to do so "No, it's okay. I don't want him to sleep alone in the room as we all are here" Shen was actually worried that's why he was insisting to make Wei sleep in his lap other than in his room

Shen was worried because he knows his one cousin was pervert and he has bad eyes on Wei's beauty. Shen kisses him again and again on his head

Yunlan makes his daughter sleep in his lap and then on the bed "Sleep well my child" He smiles kissing her cheeks

Yunlan makes his daughter sleep in his lap and then on the bed "Sleep well my child" He smiles kissing her cheeks

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