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Everyone was standing in front of the emergency with pale faces and inside Wei was being treated by the doctors whose faces were also not good and satisfied as well. The three doctors looked at each other "Its not a good sign at all!" One of them said and others nod

Outside, BaiLi sobbed suddenly attenting Yunlan and GP "He is okay, my dear!" Yunlan picks her up in his arms and she hugged his neck. He was rubbing her back but his eyes were fixed on the door in front of him where his Student was in danger as well as his baby
After more twenty minutes, the doctor comes out and smiles at the worried people "Follow me please!" He walks in one direction and other two doctors also comes out then walks away after smiling at the people

Inside the cabin, Wei's parents, his husband and GP were sitting in front of the doctor and little girl insisted to stay with her angel. They left her with him with the nurse.... "How is my son?" Comes the first question by Mr. Shen and the doctor placed a file on the table
"At one point we got scared for something but it's fine now and Shen Wei is out of danger now. Take care of him and keep him away from any kind of stress and please take a strict note of his medicines.... Skipping one will be dangerous for both of them"

"We will take care, Doctor but please tell us he is fine now?" Yunlan was extremely worried and the doctor nods "It's better if he stays happy all the time... His baby is weak because Shen Wei's body as weak himself"
"We want to see him!" GP speaks and the doctor permits them...

In another house, Yunjin was listening to her brother who was telling her that Yunlan didn't come to university today and not even that kid. She get suspicious over something and ask him to keep an eye on both of them and keep her updated "I make sure to teach him a good lesson, that little rat!!" She fumes and smirks

In the hospital, GP enters the room followed by Yunlan, BaiLi, and Yeoh. GP leans and kissed his forehead while caressing his Sparrows cheeks and this makes him stir "Teacher?" Wei slowly open his eyes and Yunlan held his hand dearly
"I am here, baby!"
"My head...... i..is hea..heavy!" Wei was half asleep and Yunlan kissed his hand "You will be alright" By listening to the voice of his teacher, Wei makes himself to open his eyes and smiles at everyone but one of his beloved was absent from the scene

"Your papa is still with the doctor talking about your health, he is worried for you" His mom told and Wei smiles holding Yunlan's hand tightly but suddenly something else gains his attention. He looks at the little girl and than at Yunlan. He wants to say something but sleep took over him in a while. GP takes Yunlan outside and BaiLi still insisted to stay with her angel. Meantime Mr. Shen entered and now three people were in the room with Wei.
Mr. Shen was kissing Wei's forehead time to time and Wei was also clenching his shirt tightly

A nurse came and was about to inject Shen Wei "Please gently!" Mr. Shen was looking like he is in severe pain and this small injection will pirced through his skin not Shen Wei's soft one...... BaiLi hugs Wei's mom and she caresses her hair "Its alright, dear!"

Outside, GP and Yunlan were walking in the corridor of the hospital "I am so scared. I am having a feeling that a huge problem is infront of me and I am getting worried how to handle everything!" Yunlan said his words and GP sighs "My sparrow is emotional but his heart is as beautiful as him... A heart of gold just give him attention and talk to him about your life!.... He will understand and don't worry be confident, you have to handle three people at once.... your both kids and Shen Wei too. I am with you in everything" GP did not talk much and both looks at each other like they are understanding everything

Shen Wei open his eyes after the sleep of three hours and smiles when seeing everyone in front of his eyes but one thing was irritating him the most "Take it off..... I want to go home" He whined looking at his father and husband. They called the doctor who took the IV drip off his hand "I took it off but you are not allowed to leave right now" The doctor said "Then? I want to go home" Wei replied and the doctor smiles at him
"Okay, after two hours"

Everyone laughs at Wei's expressions "Angel?" The girl comes closer getting Wei's attention to her "How are you?"
"I am good.... Don't worry" Wei answer her and smiles at her.. Mr. Shen was sitting at his left side and Yunlan was at his right.... They help him to sit as GP and his mom was sitting at side on the sofa and BaiLi was standing near the bed

"Are you angry with me?" She asks with curiosity "No. I am not angry with you" He shook his head and answers simply as others were silently looking at them giving them chance to talk
"Don't be sick, please! I promise I won't talk about her again" She said and wants to get closer to him because Wei captured her heart at first glance
At her words, Wei didn't answer her and just looks down "I am a good girl.... Don't be angry with me, I like you!"
She was looking so innocent while talking and Wei smiles at her

"Wanna be my friend?" Wei extends his hand and she happily held it "Yes, best friend" Both shakes hand and becomes best friends, 0 everyone was happy now..... while heading back Yeoh, GP, Mr. Shen and Baili were in a car and Shen Wei, Yunlan were in another car
"Hmmm?" Yunlan was looking straight at the road "Umm...." Wei looks down and Yunlan stops the car at side to talk

" Wei looks down and Yunlan stops the car at side to talk

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"Shen Wei, you are important to me. And I want you to be strong and brave... I can't see you risking your life like this again and again..... and...."

"I am important because of this baby?" Shen Wei didn't let him finish making him shocked "You are important to me without baby. You came and release me from the hell. You gave me a warm feeling, you told me that life is beautiful and we should enjoy it's every part"
Yunlan said and Wei moves closer to him
"I love you teacher!" He put his head on the other shoulder and Yunlan smiles. He gently pulled the smaller into his lap

"Right now, I don't know if I love you or not but I can't see you in pain..... I can't see you crying.... I can't see you getting sick..... I want you to stay happy and smiling all the time. I want to see you getting stronger!"
Yunlan said and their lips slowly gets closer and after few seconds, they were rubbing together. Shen Wei held Yunlan's neck and Yunlan was wrapping Wei's waist
They were kissing making each other breathless even Wei still needs practice but his husband loves it

Yunlan gently broke the kiss and looked into his eyes "You are the softest person I have ever met" Shen Wei chuckled on his words but suddenly he gets shy when his husband place hand at his little baby bump
"Thank you for giving me this gift" Yunlan was teary eyed when Wei kissed his eyes twice
"Shen Wei, I want to talk about my daughter and......"

"No teacher! Your daughter is cute and I know I can bond well with her and I don't want to know about that woman..... Please don't ever take her name... My heart ache!" Wei hugged his husband and place his face on his shoulder... Yunlan hugged him back
"I will accept your daughter with heart because I love you but....."
He cried this time making Yunlan weak
"Don't cry please. Shhhh..... I won't do anything to hurt you, I promise" Yunlan was rubbing his back and they drives back


Sooorry for being late again!!!

I hope it's not getting boring at all-------- 

Thank youuu and enjoy!!!!!

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