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Yunlan was wrapping Shen Wei's small figure in his embrace lovingly but frown when he sees a cut and blood on Shen Wei's sleeve.. He makes his arm closer and checks it "Oh my God! It's quite deep"

Yunlan becomes worried for him. He calls the trip management and fellow teachers that they will stop at a nearby pharmacy and will join them later "Stop the car at the near pharmacy" Yunlan orders and the driver said yes

Wei's family start missing him very much and being out of control now Shen dialled his number but Wei's phone was on silent. His family was calling him again and again but Wei was in deep sleep in his warm place

"What happened? He isn't picking up the call" Shen looks at his phone and Yeoh dialled his number but again no answer, even his grandparents tried but no one responded which makes them worried

"Yunlan!...... Call his teacher" GP said and Shen connects the call with Yunlan "Hello?" Yunlan quickly picks up the call and answers "Where is Wei? Is he alright? He isn't picking up his phone, what happened?"

Yunlan smiles at Wei's worried father "Sir, sir! Your boy is alright and I think his phone must be on the silent mode that's why he didn't pick up your call..... And moreover, Mr. Prince is sleeping peacefully since we start our journey on our visit" Shen chuckles at Yunlan's words

"He sleeps at first then after completing his sleep he will bother you with this and that. I am warning you to be careful"

This time Yunlan chuckles and looks at Wei "Do you ever get bothered with his talking?" Yunlan asks gently "How could we? He is our life and when he speaks nonstop... his voice gives us energy"

"That's the point, he becomes my source of energy as well. Don't worry, he will be alright and I will take care of him" Yunlan assured his parents and Wei stirs in his sleep "Wait, I will let you speak to him" Yunlan thinks to tell them about Wei's injury but stops not to worry them

"Shen Wei? Shen Wei? Talk to your father" Yunlan tries to wake him but Wei sleeps like he was awake for many nights "Sorry sir! But you have to wait he isn't ready to wake up easily"

Wei's papa chuckles and wants to ask something "Don't worry, he isn't on the bus. He is with me in my car" Yunlan understands what he was about to ask.. Both laughs and hung up the call "Sir!" The driver said and Yunlan looks outside

"Shen Wei? Wake up! We need to treat your injury" Yunlan pats his cheeks and Wei open his eyes slowly "I am fine, teacher. Don't tell papa about it he won't let me come with you" Wei said slowly and sleeps again

Yunlan smiles and caresses his face "I know why your father is so concerned about you. You are so precious like a treasure and anyone would try to protect you and keep you safe from this dirty and hypocrite world"

Yunlan gently moves him back and gets off the car. He pulled him and took him in his arms. Wei was so comfortable in his arms that he place his face on Yunlan's chest and place his hand on his chest. Yunlan was enjoying Wei's clingy company although he was deep asleep. 

Yunlan places him on the bed and one doctor came for checking. Meantime Wei also wakes up and makes himself sit "How you got this cut?" Yunlan asks strictly and Wei looks into his eyes

"A.. Actually, I was so happy when you were in my house in the morning, I ran to get ready and my arm scratched with the door handle"

"You call it a scratch? It's a deep cut and look at your sleeve. What if your papa comes to know about it?" Yunlan was speaking in a scolding manner because of Wei's carelessness "Why you didn't tell anyone in the morning?" Yunlan questions again

"If papa comes to know then he won't let me come with you. You know how he agreed to send me with you. And if he comes to know then he will call me back. (Yunlan was nodding)

BEATS OF PASSION (Habitat of love) *Completed*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora