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Wei finally slept and others were widely awake with worry and tension as Grandpa thinks something and addresses others "We are making a mistake by not telling Wei about the child which is breathing inside him. And if we keep delaying this matter then it will be difficult for Shen Wei to accept and-----" Grandpa stops and Yunlan looks down at the sleeping angel in his lap and Mr. Shen sighs agreeing with his father

"I don't have the courage to tell him anything and what will we tell him in the first place?---- How can we explain to him that a life is present in his belly?" Mr. Shen said and others closes their eyes and tension started building in their hearts

"I will tell him and I am sure, he will understand as well" Yunlan kissed his head and gently place him on the bed, his mom covers him with the blanket and sit beside him

"I want to talk!" Yunlan then looks at the two men and they walks out of the room. When they enter the drawing-room Yunlan's phone rings and he sighs looking at the caller ID "I want to tell you both something before the decision of marriage with Shen Wei"

Yunlan said and he put the phone on the loudspeaker before answering it "Hello?" Yunlan was as usual gentle and the voice from the other side startled them all "Where the hell you are?--- I told you don't leave but Yunlan why don't you listen HUH? Your daughter is hungry and now you are responsible for it, understood. It's your mistake that you are not here. NOW TELL ME----- YOU SAID YOU ARE COMING BUT WHERE ARE YOU???!!! I WANT AN ANSWER!!" Yunjin shouts and Yunlan listens calmly looking at others. 

She was still shouting and showing her true colours but when she start abusing and cursing, Yunlan power off the phone being afraid that she will speak something bad about Shen Wei and he doesn't want that his father or GP listen anything bad about their kid which will be obviously unbearable for them both. 

His heart starts racing thinking about his daughter but he needs to talk seriously and openly with Wei's father and Grandfather---- "This is my reality and this is my life! My wife, Yunjin is not a good woman. I have some problem that's why I am bearing her and do you think------ Shen Wei will stay safe in my house? If she comes to know about him, it will be a great danger to his life! And I am not risking Shen Wei's or my baby's life at any cost!"

Yunlan said and then told everything to the two astonished men, Grandpa feels pity and he wants to meet that little girl "How will we explain all this to Shen Wei?" Mr. Shen's heart clenched thinking about his little and only son with a married man having such a cruel wife already

Then Mr. Shen looks at his father "You are still thinking the same? You still want my Prince to be with him?" He was not able to think properly and after listening to what Yunlan revealed his concerns increased. They were still stuck with a problem as inside the room Shen Wei slowly open his eyes feeling a sudden emptiness once again

"Mama? Teacher was here? Where are papa and baba?" He sits and asks as his mom rushed towards him "You are alright, my baby?" She checks his forehead and Wei heard little voices from outside "Teacher!!" He ignores his mom and runs outside "Wei relax!!" She runs behind him and Wei's eyes shine when he looks at his teacher "You didn't leave me?" He smiles and runs towards him and by seeing him Yunlan and others also walk towards him. Wei tightly hugs his chest and giggles but his head was still spinning

"He didn't eat anything" Grandpa complains to Yunlan and he broke the hug, Yunlan gently removes hairs from his forehead and nods "Why you didn't eat anything huh? Isn't it bad, Shen Wei?---- Go and eat something then we will talk" Yunlan said and Wei nods "But don't go"

Wei's mom takes him and serves him fresh and healthy food, both mom and son eats together and in the room, Grandpa thinks something "I still want you to marry my Sparrow" His words were sincere and polite "I can help you if you want----" Mr. Shen can't ever allow his son to enter a house where there is a witch already lives

BEATS OF PASSION (Habitat of love) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now