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Ignoring his questions Wei's parents tends to him "How are you feeling, now?" His papa asks and Yeoh looks at him. Others including Yunlan and the doctors were waiting for his satisfied answer

"I am fine, papa. Just my head feels a little heavy but don't know why?" Wei replied and the doctor comes closer

"You are absolutely fine, young boy.. I just want some answers so, that I can make your parents relieved that their boy is perfect, okay? But answer me what you remember don't pressurize your brain"

The doctor said politely and Wei smiles and nods "Where were you earlier? I mean the place you were last seen, anyone?" The doctor asks and Wei thinks

"I was in the class, uncle"

Wei was talking with the doctor and others steps back giving them space and listens attentively to their conversation especially Wei's answers

"Okay, you were in the class. Then after that what you do in the class?"

"I was waiting for my teacher Yunlan..." Wei answers thinking about it.. Yunlan's heart feels something as he senses that he is connected with Wei's pain

"After that?" The doctor enquires again and Wei looks at him blankly "I don't know, uncle... I am feeling like after that I didn't see or sense anything"

The doctor nods in understanding and Yeoh comes forward feeling bad for her child. She helps Wei in sitting and the doctor calls Shen, GP and Yunlan outside

In the doctor's office, the three men were sitting in front of the doctor waiting for his coming words

"He seems fine now but I wanna tell you that take good care of him.. Look, sometimes a person forgets any unpleasant situation because his brain start functioning to protect the heart and pulled out the person from depression or any trauma

It seems more like a psychological phenomenon that helps the person to recover soon and live life normally.... But we have tried to know the reason of Shen Wei's condition like this.. It will be dangerous for him if he recalls it being alone.... Try to find the reason but without pressuring him... He needs your care and full attention"

The doctor said his points and the others become more worried for Wei.. Shen looks down in tension and Yunlan feels bad about the same.. GP pats his shoulders and pulled him up to stand

In the room, Wei was denying eating the apple saying he doesn't want to eat it and gently pushed it away which his mama gives him
"You have to eat it, don't become stubborn," His mom said and GM caresses his hairs "My life! Okay eat a little just"

Wei silently hugs his GM and smiles "I am fine. I really don't want to eat anything.. If I feel hungry then I will tell you"

Wei said and kiss his mom's cheeks breaking the hug as both the ladies were sitting on both sides. Shen gets angry seeing Wei's behaviour about eating. But Yunlan and GP smiles

"What is your problem? Why you annoy everyone and don't eat properly? I think you don't understand the love language.... Get aside" Shen shouts for the first time on his baby and then he orders his wife strictly

Yunlan and Wei's GP's gets surprised but they keep standing aside looking at Shen's boiling temperature

Wei also gets scared a little and looks at his father with moist eyes and Shen feels bad but he keeps his cold attire and makes Wei eat the apples even two apples

Wei also eats the apples because of his papa's unusual behaviour.. Others laugh secretly at Wei's innocence and smile..

Whenever Wei looks at Yunlan his heart start beating crazily.. He smiles seeing his teacher from time to time and GP notice everything. His heart fears the output of Wei's love towards his teacher

BEATS OF PASSION (Habitat of love) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now