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"Baba?" Shen Wei stirs a little and his Grandpa tends towards him "My baby! You alright, my little baby?" Wei hardly open his eyes and looks around "Why we are here baba?" Wei holds his head and tries to sit but his Grandpa carefully push him back

"Don't move! Are you alright, my Sparrow? Feeling any pain? Want to eat something?" Grandpa asks many questions at once and Wei shook his head "Papa?---- Where is papa, mama and---- my teacher?" Wei starts to get sad and Grandpa sigh. He told him that they are on the way. Others were madly searching every hospital. The condition of Mr. Shen and Yunlan was very bad. They seem like someone snatch their souls from their bodies.

Both were worried for Shen Wei and the baby too but Yeoh was a bit calm and relaxed compared to both the men as she knows where her baby is.

"Baba?----- Why papa is not coming? Where is teacher Yunlan? and mama?" Shen Wei was feeling scared and Grandpa hugs him in his arms "Shhhh---- See I am calling them. You need rest" Grandpa wraps him against his chest and with another hand he dialled his son's number "Dad? Where is my kid?" Mr. Shen almost yell and Grandpa curled his forehead "I am taking him for operation. Save him if you can" Grandpa tells him then after informing about the hospital he hung up the call

Wei again slept on his baba's chest and after some time Yunlan, Shen and Yeoh barged inside with heavy breathing "Shen Wei? My son!" Both the men rushed closer to the bed and Mr. Shen quickly pulled sleeping Wei into his arm and embraces him as his life returns to his body

Yunlan leans back at the wall and cries as well covering his mouth 'Shen Wei" He was scared and his heart was trembling thinking about the risk to his baby and Shen Wei's life "Papa? What's wrong?---- Why are you crying?" He gets worried seeing his father crying and then he looks at his teacher "Teacher? What happened to you? You are also crying" Wei was so worried and seeing his most precious people crying he start to panic

When he didn't get any response from his papa or teacher then he looks at his mother and Grandpa holding his hand "Baba? Mama?--- Why they are crying?" Yeoh comes forward and hugs her life dearly

"You are alright my child? They are just worried for you and your---" She stops and kissed his forehead "My child, your teacher and papa need to understand something and I hope they get back their consciousness and now they will think about you"

Grandpa sarcastically said looking at two hunks. And Wei was innocently looking at them. Grandpa walks closer to Yunlan "I respect you a lot, Professor and I know about your life as well. I still want you to accept my Grandson in your life. Although, I know you are married and have a kid"

Grandpa said his words which were like a shock for him and he looks at Shen Wei in his papa's arms

"Are you sure about your decision? I am not that rich and I can't be able to give him the luxurious life he is living. I am not able to give him the luxurious life he is used to--- Look at him!----- You think he will be able to live in my house?"

Both of them looks at Shen Wei who was pinching Mr. Shen's cheeks trying to cheer him up

Grandpa smiles at Yunlan then chuckles "I am not concerned about the luxurious life or anything else!----- I know he is used to this life and I also know you as well. I have the most experience of life, Professor!----- I am able to analyze people around, you can't give him a luxurious life but you are able to give my little son a luxurious love"

Shen Wei was giggling sitting between his parents who were trying to feed him but he was showing tantrums while eating.

"I am worried that maybe I won't be able to meet his needs. He is very soft and fragile, how can I----" Yunlan was worried that he might not be able to give Shen Wei the life he is living

BEATS OF PASSION (Habitat of love) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now