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Yunjin and her brother were facing so much difficulty in everything but whatever they did to others this was their fate now. Yunjin shouts her lungs out for help but no one hears her voice at all. both are paralyzed and need each other. Even guards never helped them, they provide them with each and everything both need but no help in anything, this is what they deserve for hurting everyone
Mr. Shen is merciless when the matter comes to his only son, Shen Wei! In the house, everyone was around Wei all the time as right now Wei was sleeping having both babies with him and Yunlan was staring at his wound with moist eyes. He leans and kissed his chest where the bullet wound was still bandaged

He very gently kissed his closed eyes and peck his lips. Yunlan heard some slow voices outside and went to see what is happening. Outside, Yunlan's parents were telling everything to the family. Shen and GP welcomed them in the family and wholeheartedly accepts the old couple. Yunlan comes closer and asks them why they are sitting here?
"Actually we are...." Yeoh stop speaking, she don't want to tell Yunlan that they are here for Shen Wei but they don't want to disturb their privacy that's why sitting outside. Yunlan understands and ask them to come inside "He needs us all!"

Now everyone was in the room, the baby girl moves and cries. Yunlan's mom looks at everyone and then picked her up to cradle her "She is so.... beautiful" The old lady comments looking closely at tiny face. Her words makes others smile brightly "She resembles my Shen Wei" GM also stands to look closely at her
Mrs. Xinci smiles and kissed her forehead with teary eyes. Yunlan comes and hugs his mother from the back "I am happy I found you, I was losing hope but this boy (looking at Wei) gives me everything which I ever wanted...." Shen stands and sits beside his son "Get well soon my Prince!" He kissed his forehead, Wei was peacefully sleeping without realizing what is happening around him and how his family are adoring him

The night passed and Wei slowly open his eyes only to see everyone sleeping here and there. His father and Yunlan were sleeping at his sides. Yunlan was holding his hand and the hand of Mr. Shen was on his wounded chest. His mother was sleeping putting her head on GP's shoulder and GP was holding the baby boy.
Yunlan's father was sleeping while sitting on the chair and baby girl was in his lap. Yunlan's mother was also sleeping leaning at the sofa. Wei smiles and tries to call them but his tongue was betraying him. He blinked his eyes several times and tries to call them "P...p...paa...papa? Yu...yun...yu...la...yunl..an?" He manages to say the names but it was not enough to wake the people around him

He tried again "Pap..a? Yun..nlan?" This time his voice was a bit higher and Yunlan stirs. He open his eyes and gets happy seeing Wei smiling in the morning. Yunlan looks around and suddenly kissed his lips. It was not Shen Wei or Yunlan who wakes the sleeping people it's the tiny babies who help them all to open their eyes
Both the babies start crying desperately and everyone comes back to conscious world. Mr. Shen hugs his prince after helping him to sit "I... lo..ve... you.... pa...pa!" Wei was sticking to his chest "You are papa's lifeline, my Prince" Mr. Shen kissed his face several times "Will you please hurry up, Shen? There is a big line!" His wife holds her waist and Shen turns back to see everyone standing to hug his Prince

"I really don't like to share you but.... a lot of people are here!" He said to his son and frowns hearing the crying sounds of the babies. He stands and takes both the babies in his arms looking lovingly at them. Now it's Yeoh's turn to hug and kiss her son "Why they are crying like this?" Shen ask his wife "They are probably hungry! That's why I was asking you to hurry up!" She stands after kissing his cheeks
Everyone was coming and waiting for their turn to wish Shen Wei good morning but no one ask Yunlan to get aside who was sitting next to Wei on the other side. After everyone hugs him they walks out of the room giving the kids in Yunlan and Wei's lap

 Wei smiles at his babies then looks at his husband. He was trying to speak in which he was getting successful as well. Babies stop crying after getting what they needed but Yunlan start kissing his lips "I miss my wife!" He said teasingly seeing the other panting after the deep kiss. Wei was blushing heavily looking like a fresh rose and their babies sleeps again 
Outside, ladies were in the kitchen making breakfast because they wanted to cook with their own hands for the family and men were sitting discussing something important
GP and Mr. Shen again welcome Yunlan's parents in the home and also told them this is their house as well and now they consider them a family and also family lives together

BEATS OF PASSION (Habitat of love) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now