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"Yunlan son, come listen to me" Mr. Xinci was happy about something about Yunlan runs towards him "Dad, I am getting late"
"Just stop it and look at this girl, I selected her for your marriage" He was holding some pictures and said while showing one picture to him

"You know I just started my job and right now I only wanted to focus on it, I don't want to get married and get stuck with host politics" He sits with his father
"Yunlan, I want to see your kids as every typical grandparents, I want to see my grandchildren in front of my eyes"
Xinci's eyes shine and Yunlan leans back at the seat

"And if I wanted to marry a boy then?" Yunlan was looking at his father and his reaction but Xinci smiles and holds his hand
"Then I will pray to God to give that boy the ability to get pregnant and gives me a lot of grandchildren" He was serious but Yunlan off laugh loud "Dad..."

"What? You just wait and watch, if you selected any boy then he will get pregnant..... It's a prayer and wish of a father" Xinci was confident and Yunlan nodded with a smile
"I love you dad and I will pray for your prayer too" He hugged his father and left. As he left a girl entered the house and sits on the same spot where Yunlan was sitting few moments before

"Uncle!" She calls Xinci who looks at her as he was collecting the pictures having smile on his lips
"I want to say something..... You know me very well, we are neighbours and my father is your good friend.... Uncle, I want to say that I like Yunlan and want to marry him!" The man was surprised on her words

"But my dear, I can't do anything here. I just suggest you to go and confess your love to Yunlan. If he accepted to marry you then I will be the happiest person on earth"
"Ok uncle, thank you! I will do it but I need your help too" She stands Xinci call her again "Yunjin?" She turns back "All the best!" Both smiles and she walks out of the house

Later, Yunlan was coming back as usual happy and cheerful. But she blocks his way right in front of his house
"What are you doing?" He don't like the way she was standing in front of him
"I love you and I want you marry you" She said without any hesitation and Yunlan stares at her
"I am not interested in you, Yunjin... I know you are a good girl but there is nothing from my side, you are just my good friend"

Yunlan gently rejects her and walks into the house. He calls for his parents and ask them about Yunjin... His father told him everything and he also tells them, he don't want to marry her. His parents respects his decision
In the neighborhood, Yunjin breaks everything in the house and her parents  failed to control her anger "Go and talk to Yunlan's father and our marriage... I want Yunlan and I will do anything for him"

Poor parents agreed and went to Xinci for Yunlan's proposal. They cried and requested Xinci to marry his son to Yunjin but other told him, he can't do anything and force his decision on him.
Yunjin heard everything and the next day when Yunlan comes back no one was in the house
He searched but his parents were no where. He called them but their phone was switched off

He goes to Yunjin's house to ask here about his father and mother but as he entered the house, he feels his breath was stopping, seeing blood everywhere. Everything in the house was shattered, he sees a man at side who was half dead and half alive. Yunlan runs towards him
"Uncle? All this...."
Yunlan was baffled "Forgive.... Us... we...w...I..." Yunjin's father breathed his last and Yunlan here shocked. He runs out

He calls the police and everyone sees the scene, many people were gathered outside. Yunlan asks everyone about his parents because seeing everything he was badly scared
No one knows about his parents and after sometime, police came and takes the dead bodies with them
The officers start investigation but even after a long discussion they found no sign of the killer

BEATS OF PASSION (Habitat of love) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now