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"Alia!" I scream as I slam the door open. She screams in response and drops her phone.

"Omg, Y/N, you can't scare me like that." I place the groceries on the counter before rushing over to join her on the couch.

"Well, shit happened."

"What kinda shit?" She pats my back, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Oh, I don't know, just that I was followed by some creeps. And the guy who saved me seems like a different type of creepy! I don't know, it was scary." She pulls me into a hug as I try to regain my breath.

"Oh! Y/N! Well, thank goodness you're okay. Who was the guy who saved you?" I glare at her, why does his name matter? Worry about me!

"Well, if you have to know, it's-" Wait, I don't know his name. "Uhh, I don't know."

"Y/N! He might've seemed off or whatever, but he did help you. And you didn't even get his name?" She sighs as she pulls me back into a hug. "Well, at least you are alright."

Alia gets up to start to prepare dinner. It was my day but she is trying to be nice.

I sit down while taking a plate from her hand.

"Thank goodness it's a weekend now. I'm so tired and I want to sleep the whole day away." I take a bite of food while Alia sits down.

"Well, you can do that. But I'm going out." She fiddles with her fork.

"Ohh, what are you doing?" I perk up.

"A date." I gasp and immediately drop my fork.

"A date? With who?! Tomorrow, right? Where are you going to go?" She smiles and looks down, blushing.

"Her name's Zahra. She's really pretty; her hair is white which is super cool. She's coming over tomorrow to the house. You can meet her then."

"Omg, you are finally going to have someone!"

"Hey!" She wacks my arm as I giggle. "She has a brother too." I stop and sigh.

"Are you-?"

"No! No, no, no. Not that. He's coming over as well. He's dropping her off." Alia smiles and I just nod.

Alia knows that I'm not ready for a relationship yet. My most recent one wasn't so good. Jack, my ex-boyfriend was someone I had to drop. I mean, he was great at the beginning of our relationship, but last year he kept insisting I dropped out of college. I didn't know why at first, but he revealed it was so I could be a housewife and that I shouldn't need a college education to be one. I was so pissed that he was a misogynistic bitch that I dropped him then and there. He spammed me for a while after about how I'm a woman and should listen to the man of the house. Like, we didn't even live together??

I blocked him and whatnot, but I don't want to jump into a relationship again just yet, gotta make sure they understand me and stuff. 

"Y/N? You good?" I snap out of my daze and wave away her question.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go to bed." At this point, it's around 1 am. I stand up and head to my room where I plop on my bed and pass out.

"Y/N!" My eyes snap open, panic flooding me. Am I late for school? Am I in trouble??

"Wait, it's Saturday, why-" I mumble to myself, being cut off by Alia's yell.

"Get out here! Come meet Zahra!" Oh right! Her girlfriend!! Yay! I hop out of bed and throw a new hoodie on before zipping out.

"Nice to meet you Y/N!" A skinny pale girl smiles holding her hand out to me. Her hair is a beautiful white, making me kinda jealous. Oh well. I twirl a strand of my (h/c) hair before reaching out and taking her hand.

"Nice to meet you too!" I look at Alia and wink. She blushes and pulls me to the side.

"Don't embarrass me."

"Now how could I do that?" I snicker, "However, you guys look adorable together. Also, the white hair matches your black hair. Loving the yin and yang vibe." She slaps the back of my head before opening the door to reveal a tall man. He smiles and walks in.

"Hi" He walks over and locks eyes with me. I feel like I've seen him before.

"My name's Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you!" I shake his hand as he points to Zahra.

"I'm her twin, Lev." 

If it wasn't obvious, the two girls at the top are Zahra and Alia. ( I tried to get visuals to help remember who each person is) :) 

Characters Introduced- 

Jack- Y/N's ex-boyfriend... will he cause future problems?... ;)

Zahra- Alia's new girlfriend. 

Lev- Zahra's twin brother. Does he have another connection to Y/N?? ;) 

The Poisoned Apple (Mafia x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt