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HEY! Well here's something hehe have fun :p

I bang on the door screaming "let me out, Lev!! We have to go back for Kenji!"

They locked me in here after we left the building. My whole body, physically and emotionally, is exhausted, but that doesn't matter. Kenji is fighting and who knows what's going to happen to him.

"Lev! Please!"

"Please be quiet y/n." He's right outside the door.

"Kenji! WE NEED TO HELP HIM GOD DAMNIT" I screech at the top of my lungs.

"I KNOW! I WANT TO BE OUT THERE TOO! BUT HE CAN HANDLE HIMSELF, HE KNOWS THE RISKS... please y/n. I'm worried too, but there are rules, and I have to follow them. He needs me to." I wince at his voice. He's never screamed like that. His voice was cracking.

I drop down on the floor, curling up into a ball. Why can I do nothing?! This isn't fair. I tried to help and have only gotten in his way. I can't keep being a weak inconvenience. I have to help, like actually.

...though I kinda feel like staying out of the way might be better since every time I've tried to 'help' shit has gone south...

Nah imma do what I want.

Not the point. Kenji is dying and I'm here sitting like a lame ass.

"Kenji is going to die." I sit there letting the tears fall.

"Who's going to die?"

I jump up at the voice. "KENJI?!" I turn before being embraced in a tight hug.


"OMG! KENJI! I-I. I'm so sorry." The tears fall harder. I squeeze him, a warm feeling spreading across my hands.

"Hey, you have nothing to be sorry about. You did nothing wrong, darling." His voice was so gentle and sweet. I try to pull back to kiss him but he squeezes me harder.

"Kenji? Let go, I want to see you, I saw you got hurt before I left. I need to check if it's bad."

"Just stay like this for a second." He squeezes harder. I squeeze back before looking over his shoulder at my hands which feel way too warm.

"Oh my god."

Blood. All over my hands. Fresh blood.

"Kenji. Let go." He doesn't listen. I can't push him, I might hurt him more. I look at his shoulder and open my mouth before chomping down. I bite hard. It'll hurt, maybe, but it should catch him off guard so I can break free.

It does just that. He flinched back and I get the chance to back up.

Shit. He's hurt.

His legs are torn up, his torso is completely covered in blood. And his face, his eye is completely fucked up. It's cut, badly. I should've known. Why did I think he would be ok just because he came back to me?! And his dad. How is he?! Hopefully worse off.

"Kenji. We've got to get you help." I reach for the door. He grabs my wrist.

"It's fine. Most of this blood is not mine-"

"Don't give me that shit. I know fresh blood compared to old, and that is fresh. Too fresh to have been from another person. Come." I twist my hand so I'm holding his before leading him out. Many underlings are following but I ignore them as I lead him to the medical room.

The doctors rush over and I have him sit before they start investigating. All the doctors are privately hired and world personally for Kenji, of course, I can use them too. They remove his shirt and my heart drops. More and more bullet and knife wounds reveal themselves as they wash away the blood. Lev tries to take me out of there.

"Don't" He stops. Nods then leaves.

Just me, Kenji, and the doctors. I reach and grab his hand, he squeezes before looking at me, a glazed haze over his eyes.

"Well, baby. I did it. I finally killed my old man."

"Yeah, you did. I'm so proud of you Kenji." I kiss him. The doctors are rushing around. There's noise, yet it feels so quiet.

So his dad's dead. Thank god.

"I got us both revenge." He mumbles. I smile and pat his head. I've never seen him like this. His whole body seems so tired and beat.

"Yeah..." His breathing is quiet and shallow. "Hey, Kenji."


"I love you."

"I love you too baby." He just barely squeezes my hand, it's so small I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't being so still.



"I'm sorry. I really am. I shouldn't have gotten in your way and I shouldn't have been so weak-"

The doctor puts a hand on my shoulder. I look over.

He gives me a small, sad smile, before turning away from me.


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