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I groan as I turn over onto my side. Kenji's hand gently places itself on my shoulder and rubs.

"Good morning baby." His voice has this sing-song tone to it.

"Ugh." I open my eyes and take a good look before sighing and pulling the covers over my head. I still feel really tired.

"You still have a headache?" I hear him stand, the chain scratching against the floor. I shift my body in response/ "That isn't good. Well, I have some water and medicine here. Take it when you feel up to it." He kisses me, through the covers, and leaves. I immediately sat up. I kinda have a headache but my ear has been ringing and now I'm sussed out. I look over at the water and pill, it's a blue-ish color.

"What the hell is happening?!" I turn towards the voice that just screamed. It's Kenji's. He didn't close the door all the way. I was about to investigate who he was talking to when he turned and closed the door. I had dropped down fast enough to make him think I was still asleep.

I Get out of bed and tip-toe to the door where I listened to his conversation.

"I'm really sorry! It must be a side-effect or something!" An unknown voice quivers.

"Well, you're the doctor. You said she wasn't going to feel any side effects." Kenji sighed.

"Well, it is just sleepiness and a headache. There isn't anything to worry about!" I was kinda taken aback by how my suffering is something to not worry about. Kenji, apparently, felt the same.

His voice dropped and he spoke barely above a whisper. Thank god I have good hearing. "She shouldn't have to feel anything. Her headache is more than nothing. If you don't fix this now, I will have your head, so shut the fuck up about your bullshit 'nothing to worry about'! She is much more important than you'll ever be."

Okay, now I'm blushing. But hold up. Now I'm confused.

I walk over to the bedside table and pick up the pill. I didn't bother to ask what this was, but I had figured it was a pain reliever. Has Kenji been drugging me? Why? When did this start? When the headaches started? Or maybe before that. I open the pill and pour the contents into the plant. I gulp the water and crawl back into bed.

I need to see what changes when I stop taking them. \

I hear the door creak open and Kenji walks in, he notices the pill and water gone and smiles.

"Get some rest. I'll see how to end that headache of yours" I nod before turning over and closing my eyes.

This continued for three days. I was starting to think it was a sleeping medicine. The only things that changed were that I wasn't getting headaches and I wouldn't feel drowsy.

"I feel bad now," I mumbled under my breath. Kenji had been giving me space to rest and I haven't been sleeping well. Actually, every time I tried to sleep I would get this nightmare. The same one over and over. It was Ameer. He was screaming at me and hitting me. It reminded me of when he had kidnapped me, but... I'm not sure. Even though it was a dream, it felt so real. I was sitting on the bed as Kenji walked in. Carrying water and a pill. Asking the same question he did every time he came in.

"How's your headache?"

"Same as always." I would lie. I looked over and noticed the pill was not blue anymore. It was white. Kenji noticed my staring.

"I changed it, as the other one was clearly not doing anything for you." He smiled and handed me both the pill and the water. He waited for me to take it.

"What?" I looked up at him. He had always left or let me take it later.

"I want to see you take it."

Shit. Was he suspicious?

"Okay. Just to make sure though, this has the same ingredients as the other one? I want to check... cuz I'm allergic to some things commonly put in..pills." That didn't sound convincing at all.

"No, you aren't." His face went flat.

"How would you know? I've never told you any of that."

"Yes, you did. After the trash incident, you told me all your medical information to I could treat you." He smiled, "now take it."

He called the incident with Ameer, the trash incident.

I don't remember getting hurt though, nor do I remember telling him any medical stuff. I gulped and placed the pill in my mouth, and took a swig of water. This seemed to please Kenji, as he took the water cup and kissed me on the forehead before leaving. The moment he was gone. I spit the pill out into the plant. I had placed it under my tongue.

Now I'm even more confused. I know I would remember getting hurt.

Though, I was getting hurt in the dreams.

But those are just dreams, right?

Oh my god.

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