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GUYS, I'm sorry for the hella late updateeee. I've had finals and stuff :/ Anyway, I sat and crammed out this chapter... if there are mistakes, I'm sorry :(. I'll try to upload more consistently. 

pls enjoy...

I wince as the last bullet misses the target.

"Wow, y/n. You managed to miss all those shots. How many has it been now?"

"Shut up. I'm trying my best here!"

It's been two days and I've been practicing all day each day. So far, I've probably made 20 bullets hit the target out of, maybe, like 150. I didn't think it was going to be this hard.

Lev is trying to help me the best he could, however, he is a better shooter than he is a teacher by a long, long, long shot. As in like he just told me it goes Bang, Bang and you hit the target. What the fuck does that mean. He tried to take it to heart and really teach me well but, I'm thinking I'm just going to ask Min.

"Do you know where Min is?" I looked over at him and he nods. He pulled out his phone and hands it to me and lo and behold his password is literally MinHyuk. I call him and he agrees to come down to the shooting room.

Lev acknowledged why I called Min. When he came in, he started to help me fix my posture and whatnot before Lev left deciding to go upstairs and make us food.

A few more days went by with Min helping me a lot better than Lev did and I improved my shooting to the point where I made about 125 out of the 150 shots. Of course, that's on a still object, at a perfect 20 feet range. Who knows how it'll be in the real world.

During this time though I got really close with Min because we just kind of talked whenever we needed a break from shooting, my arm would get tired or whatnot. Honestly, we talked a lot about his relationship with Lev and their love is just so adorable, especially in the line of business they work in. I want Kenji and I to be like them. they make it a ritual to go on a date once a week, normally on Saturday or Sunday. But it's so adorable and they have regular places that they eat and stuff and honestly, I'm so jealous of them. Kenji and I have never gone on an official date. The next time I see him I am going to drag his ass out on one. Like, we did go on 'dates', however, they always got interrupted by some hillbilly like my fucking ex, or a few, it was men that followed his father who got all pissed off that we were enjoying our time.

Oh well.

I finish around the shots before leaving and going up back to my room.

If there's one thing, I've been doing that Kenji we'd probably not be so happy about, it's that I've been turning people to my side. Minhyuk and Lev don't know about it either. I've been looking for people who seem either not loyal completely to Kenji or weren't part of his organization, to begin with, I've been getting on 'my' side. this is not because I'm gonna go against Kenji, it's just that I don't really trust everybody in this group and I need people whom I can control. People who will die for me. If they will die for me, they will die for Kenji. Thinking about it, it seems really intense, however, this is the fucking mafia.

I'm in love with the fucking boss of the fucking mafia.

I need to get my shit together.

No more Mrs. weak little girl, I am my own fucking boss. That might seem egotistical of me, and it is, but there's nothing wrong with that. I am me, and that's brilliant.

Moving on, I really need to stop talking to myself in the mirror while getting dressed. I get really riled up. Oh well.

I finished putting my new clothes on, some outfit that Lev got me that has spots for bullets and extra guns. I grab a coat to cover that all up before meeting up with Lev.

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