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Sorry about the reallyyy long break... i was busyyy and feeling lazy :) well, I had writer's block so I created a new plot kinda... like a new idea to be implemented hope yall like it.

I roll over and slowly open my eyes.

Kenji isn't here.

I sit up, confused.

"Kenji?" Maybe he's in the bathroom.

He's not.

That's weird, normally he waits for me to wake up before going out, or at least he does his work here. I slip on a hoodie and some pants before leaving the room. I'll get some breakfast and then look for him.

Though, I don't want to seem clingy... ah well, I'm going to get some food.

"Hey, y/n?" I turn to see Lev running up to me.

"Hey, Lev!" He gives me a quick hug before joining me in the elevator.

"Did you sleep well?" I nod my response, flashing a quick smile along with it. "So, wanna hang out with me and Min? We're going to a bookstore and just gonna chill."

"Um. Isn't that, oh I don't know, a date? And, I'd be intruding on it. As a third wheel." He flinches.

"Well, we can invite Zahra and Alia!"

"As much as I love them, I wouldn't be the third wheel anymore but a 5th wheel. A double date with an extra."

He sighs, "Well, I want us to hang out today!"

We exit the elevator and sit together at a table to order food.

"Maybe if we invite Kenji, it won't be me being the third wheel!" I smile, but it fades as his face drops.

"No, maybe just us two can hang then. I never checked with Min so he might be busy anyway."

"If he is, it'll be fun with just us, but why don't you want Kenji to come? Actually, where is he even?"

"Oh, some work popped up so he has to fix it up. Not the point, the two of us are totally going to that bookstore!"

Both Lev and I eat our breakfast before heading back to my room. I change into some cute clothes before picking out a bag and, while ignoring Lev's confused comments, walk into Kenji's office and start to rummage around.

"Y/n? What are you doing?!" He tries to pull me back but I wiggle out and open another drawer.

"We're going to a bookstore, right? Well, I'm gonna need money." The drawer had a file, which I opened. I knew it wasn't important money, as it had my name literally on it with "spending money" written at the bottom. I think he was gonna give this to me, but I need it now so I'm going to take it. There was $1000 in it, all of which I took, while gently leaving the file on his desk so he knows I snatched it if he comes back. "Wait, am I allowed out?"

"Of course, well, as long as I or Min are accompanying you. And, I don't know if you know, but I'm the best sharpshooter in the whole family."

"Really? That's cool." I smile as we walk out. "So, have you killed someone?" I slipped out, not realizing how weird of a question that was.

"Oh, um.-"

"I wouldn't think any different if you have or haven't," I assure him.

"I have. I can't say I had wanted to but things kinda made me."

"We don't have to talk about it if you're uncomfortable." I place my hand gently on his shoulder.

"I'll share the basics of it, but the details... for another time." He opens a car door, which I sit in, a black mustang, and he sits in the driver seat. "Back when Kenji, the current Boss, was still an underling, with me and Min, his dad, the head, sent us on a job that was really dangerous. His dad was trying to test our loyalty to the group, and even though many think Kenji and his dad have a good relationship, they really don't. It used to be that his dad would oppress us to show power. Well, we went on the job and it was supposed to be to monitor an 'exchange' of sorts, but the other side broke out in a fit. Apparently, the ex-boss, boss at the time, had pulled back on half the goods. Anyway, they opened fire and, even though we were only observers, they pulled us into it and... they got Min. They were using him as a hostage, by that time, Min had already killed people, but his gun was fucked with. Someone had set us up. His bullet got jammed. Kenji was fending off other people, so it was up to me. You can probably figure it out but, I shot the guy right between his eyes. He died instantly... anyway, Min was safe! We got out of it okay, but after that, Kenji was a lot harsher towards his dad. Pretty much destroyed any chance of them having a decent relationship."

We pull up to the bookstore and he opens my door for me.

"Wow, I didn't realize you guys went through that. I'm so glad you are all okay." He smiles.

"Me too. Well, it turned out I had a knack for shooting. Don't know how amazing a talent like that is, but it sure helps in this field." We laugh as we walk in.

We probably spent around twenty minutes just browsing the store when I heard the radio mention something on the cashier's desk.

Something about a drug bust. It wasn't Kenji's group so I relaxed. But then I heard his voice, it was muffled, the quality of the radio was poor, but I did catch a few words.

"You'd... protect... her"

Her? Does he mean me? But why would he mention me? And why is he involved in another gang?

Lev snaps me out of my thoughts by grabbing my hand.

I look at him, his face is pale but serious.

"Come on y/n, we should get going. Why don't we go get lunch?"

"But we literally just ate breakfast?"

"Oh, sorry. Well, why don't we go somewhere else." He tugs me out of the store.

"Lev?! What's wrong? Why was Kenji on the radio? And was he talking about me when he said to protect her?"

We get in the car and he speeds off before I even put my seatbelt on.

"Yeah. So I need to get you somewhere closer to our turf."


"Just. I just need to keep you safe." He sighs.

I sat there for a few minutes, us driving in silence. I don't want to always be protected. Clearly, something bigger is happening.

"Fine. Then teach me how to shoot." I stare at him.

"What?! No!" He swivels a little, the car skirting before he regains his composure.

"It'll help me protect myself!" I glare at him, more trying to show I'm serious compared to being mad. "Teach me how to shoot," I repeat.

There's a long pause.


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