Chapter 20: A Proposal

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"I'm glad you finally agreed to see me."

Jessica smiled at Ravenscroft sitting next to her in the open carriage as they took a ride around the estate. "I am glad too."

It was true. She enjoyed the viscount's company, even if she'd declined to see him the past fortnight. There had just been some other... issues, taking up most of her thoughts. But there was a limit to how much time one could spend alone in one's room, and she had reached hers, so when Ravenscroft had appeared again that morning to call on her she had accepted his offer of a carriage ride about the countryside.

Nathaniel had returned from London a few days ago. He'd admitted to not killing his friend, but claimed he would if they weren't married within a month. Other than that, he refused to expound on the details of the two men's conversation. She wasn't happy about the situation, but she also realised she had little choice. She had sealed her fate the moment she accepted Jacob into her bed.

"Lady Jessica?"

The soft inquiry brought her back to the present, and she gave her companion a slightly embarrassed smile. "I beg your pardon, Lord Ravenscroft. I fear I was woolgathering."

He smiled back at her, reminding her of what a handsome man he was. "I was merely asking if you are feeling better now. Last time I came to call, they told me you were not well."

"Oh yes. I am quite better, thank you." She had been having morning sickness the last time he came calling, but she wasn't about to admit that. It had recently started, and she hoped it would not continue for too long. Angel had suffered the same during her pregnancy and it had all but disappeared by the fourth month.

"I have quite missed our morning rides," he told her.

"Me too," she admitted.

They were both silent for a moment, and she got the impression he wanted to tell her something but didn't quite know how. Finally, he took a deep breath and turned to her on the seat. He looked so earnest and hopeful that she felt her heart leap into her throat. Surely he couldn't be thinking to...?

"Lady Jessica," he said fervently. "I am certain that this can come as no surprise, as we have become quite well-acquainted these past few weeks..."

She raised her hand. "Lord Ravenscroft, please say no more."

"Oh, but I must! But you are correct, of course, a carriage is not the place." Before she could say anything, he stopped the carriage and jumped down. Looking around, she saw they were in the extensive rose garden by Davenhall and could only groan inwardly as he came around the vehicle to assist her down. She had to hear him out, or she would be terribly rude, and she didn't want him to think she didn't appreciate him.

They walked together between the rose hedges in silence, her hand on his arm. When they reached a stone bench, they sat down and Ravenscroft turned to face her again. His brown eyes warm and appreciative as he looked down at her.

"Lady Jessica," he began again, taking her hands in his. "When I first met you I was struck by your beauty, but as I have come to know you I have realised that this pretty face is accompanied by a keen mind and good sense as well. I was hoping—" He stopped for a moment, as if trying to gather some courage. "I hoped you would consider becoming my wife."

"Oh, Lord Ravenscroft. I am very flattered by your offer." And it was tempting, very much so. A marriage with Ravenscroft would be relaxed and pleasant, they would hardly ever argue and he would treat her well. But it was not a possibility in her current situation. She sighed. "Unfortunately, I cannot accept."

His face fell. "I beg your pardon, Lady Jessica. I should not have forced my hopes on you."

"No, it's not that." She looked away, unable to meet his eyes. "There are circumstances that make me unable to accept your proposal."

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