Creepypasta oc #2

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(Real or Orginal) Name: Samuel Gardner
Creepypasta/or Proxy name: The butcher
Nickname: Sam or Sammy
Age: 15-17
Gender: Demigirl
Sexuality: Demisexual Biromantic
Crush: Ticci Toby
Friends: Ticci Toby and E.J
Likes: Random small objects, Stuffed animals, and Puzzles
Dislikes: When others try to restrain her, the quiet, Candy/sweet things

Backstory:- After coming out to both of their parents, they sent them to conversion therapy - This was not a great choice because of both of her mental health issues that they had been diagnosed with recently at the time - A couple of months into ...

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- After coming out to both of their parents, they sent them to conversion therapy
- This was not a great choice because of both of her mental health issues that they had been diagnosed with recently at the time
- A couple of months into the "therapy" they started to act up, so the staff decided to start torturing her, flashing lights in her face to cause seizures and strapping her down on a table in a room, left in the dark
• They often forced them to eat or had them not eat for days, causing them to get sick
• They also was allowed one outfit for a month, not being allowed to wash or change it
- After a couple more months of on and off torture, it was their day to finally go, the staff reporting to their parents that they were free of sin and had cooperated nicely
- They finally snapped after they had all sat down to talk, they blacked out and went into action, killing everyone in the room
• weird enough, the building didn't have security camera, so they were not caught
- They then jumped out the escapes out the window, stealing their moms car keys and purse before heading to the woods
- Slender ended up finding Sam face first in a ditch, car parked off to the side, unconscious and almost starving to death, he noticed the blood and decided to take Sam in

Backstory:- After coming out to both of their parents, they sent them to conversion therapy - This was not a great choice because of both of her mental health issues that they had been diagnosed with recently at the time - A couple of months into ...

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(Same as my drawing of Sam)
Weapon(s): Anything sharp they can find, Sam often keeps the weapons they killed their past victims with. They likes confusing the news so people sometimes say they wield a hatchet, a kitchen knife, and or a chainsaw. They sometimes likes to use a gun if their bored with playing cat and mouse with a victim.
- Sam has Bipolar Personality Disorder and Epilepsy
- They really like to collect shiny things, their room in the mansion is basically filled with nick-nacks
- They sometimes likes to scare the younger children in their manic episodes but apologizes afterwards and plays with them
- Their pig mask is from an actually dead pigs heard, thankfully they thoroughly cleaned and even sewed the insider the fabric to make it seem like a normal mask
- they have an issue with picking and or stretching at their skin, sadly they can't go out in public to buy fidgets so they have to bandage the places they scratch constantly (it will cause blood if they applied pressure cause they have sharp nails)
- the reason they are called the butcher is because of past victims being cut up nicely like butchered meat from a store
• they learned out to do this from their uncle, who was a butcher at the local market
• he use to take them to work with him and watch him take apart the animals, that's how they learned to butcher/take apart the bodies and dispose of them

Art book and other random stuff part 2Where stories live. Discover now