IT oc!

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(This is mainly IT the movie from 2017 and not the book nor the older adaptation, sorry!)
Racoon_Doodles //

Name: Deborah Uris
Nickname: Deb, Debby, Debster (from Richie)
Age: 15
Gender: female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 138lbs

Name: Deborah UrisNickname: Deb, Debby, Debster (from Richie)Age: 15Gender: female Height: 5'4"Weight: 138lbsAppearance:

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Personality: Calm, Determined, Talkative, and Kind

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Personality: Calm, Determined, Talkative, and Kind. She's always willing to stand up for her friends as well as her cousin Stan, or anyone for that matter.
Likes: Painting, Rock music, and Scary movies.
Dislikes: Getting lost, Cold weather, and Mystery novels.
- She's an older cousin to Stan that lives far from Derry, living in Dallas Texas ever since she was 3 after her father moved from Derry to continue his car selling business, which has been very successful.
- She was born in Derry and stayed for about two years then moved when her father wanted to extend his car selling business. And her mother became a teacher in Dallas as well before having her little sister a few years later.
- During the summer of 1988, she met a girl name Vivianne at a summer camp and basically became friends with her since they were also bunk mates.
- In 1989 (during the time of IT) Deborah and family go back to Derry and visit for the summer for Stans Bart Mitzvah. So Stan is told to hangout with his older and little cousin, though mainly Deborah and show her around town as well as have her hangout with his friends.
• Deborah and her friend from summer camp also reunite in Derry
Dad- Albert Uris
Mom- Esther Uris
Little sister- Octavia Uris, age 4
Uncle- Daniel Uris
Cousin- Stan Uris, age 12
Vivianne, age 15
Crush: Belch Huggins, age 16
Fear & What Penny turns into:
-Arachnophobia (fear of spiders)
-Pennywise basically turns into a gigantic spider with big fangs and scary beady eyes that chases her and stalks her. Or he'll just have a spider head on top of his already creepy looking body and taunt her.
Other/Fun facts:
- Absolutely loathes Henry and Patrick
- Her parents normally always stick her to babysitter her little sister so when they are back in Derry her little sister just hangs out at the house.
- Her father doesn't approve of the rock music she listens to and finds it too noisy so he mainly has her listen to classical at home, but when at a friends she listens to rock
- Her own father (Stans uncle) is very kosher within their home, unlike Stan who didn't know what kosher meant. Kosher is apart of the Jewish faith where you can't eat certain foods and certain foods have to be separated, here are the rules;
• Land animals must have cloven (split) hooves and must chew the cud, meaning that they must eat grass.
• Seafood must have fins and scales. Eating shellfish is not allowed.
• It is forbidden to eat birds of prey. Only clean birds, meaning birds that do not eat other animals, can be eaten. Poultry is allowed.
• Meat and dairy cannot be eaten together. So Jewish people who follow these dietary rules cannot eat cheeseburgers for example. Often this rule is extended further, so that people wait up to six hours after eating meat before they eat dairy.
- Funny enough Deborah can't eat shellfish in general cause she's highly allergic to it
- Her father is kinda obsessed with his daughter marrying a Jewish man once she is older so he often pesters her with "oh well there's this nice Jewish boy name Robert that I'd think you'd like" or names a Jewish boy that goes to the same synagogue as them. Her mother is the complete opposite and doesn't care who she marries as long as she's happy whether whatever religion they come from or don't have a religion. Her moms very laid back compared to her tightly wound father.
- Her father and Stan's father often clash since Stan's dad is like a cool uncle to Deborah and often argues with his brother about giving her a bit more freedom and laying it off on the whole marriage thing, and they also clash when it comes to being kosher with foods.
• Though they do try and set their differences aside when their wives tell them to stop arguing and settle down

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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