Demonic Bat-children

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So this is gonna be a... different chapter. 

1) There isn't gonna be any damirae (sad, I know)

2) There's a really good reason for that.

That reason being that this chapter is just a little Introduction the the children of Damian and Raven! Basically a brief (but not really) biography so you'll know what to expect in a future chapter- *cough *cough- uh what-


Denise Martha Wayne.

Denise is the oldest out of her siblings, a total daddy's girl and got her middle names from her late great-grandmother from her fathers side. She has ebony black hair, emerald green eyes and tawny skin colour. Basically a mini Damian who started training to become a crimefighter at the age of seven and donned on the mantle of Robin when she was 13. Of course, with all the shit that Talia and Ra's put him through, Damian was reluctant to train her at such a young age but she was determined. 

Denise is extremely combatant and is has peak human stamina, durability and agility. She'd also received training from her uncles and grandfather (the mentally unstable one, not the demon) before she became Robin so thats a bonus. Denise never inherited her mother's demonic side as far as everyone knew but honestly, she didn't really give a damn. 

She's said to be witty and sarcastic but is far too stubborn and entitled for her own good. 


"Listen dipshits, touch me again and I will not hesitate to break your face "

"I do a thing called 'what I want'"

"Tell me not to do something and I will do it twice while taking pictures"

Kyro 'Kai' Wayne.

Only two years younger than his sister, Kyro (usually going by 'Kai') is the most calm, collected and most matured compared to all his siblings. Usually the one to take care of his brothers and sisters when Denise and his parents are out. He has pale skin, sky blue eyes, and dark hair with a blueish tint in it. You'd most likely find him reading or gardening (he really likes plants) if he wasn't spending time with his little brother. And while Kai loves his family, he also values alone time and personal space.

Cannot fight whatsoever, though Kai can defend himself with the powers he inherited from Raven if needed. Surprisingly, he was able to master his powers by the age of nine which shocked both his parents, his mother especially. 

Kai is an introvert that spends most of his free time outside in the gardens or with his pet Finch.


"According to my sister, I'm the 'smart one'"

"Roses are red, my name is not Dave, this makes no sense, microwave"

"As much as I love my family... screw them all"

Thomas Daniel Wayne.

Thomas is three years younger than Kai and he's... nothing like his family. While he is respectful to his parents and is a fairly nice boy, he spends 99.9% of his time in his bedroom playing video games or watching anime. While Thomas admires his dad but they don't exactly have the best relationship. 

He has purple-ish hair and sage green eyes, though the dark bags under his eyes normally take the attention away from his dazzling eyes. Thomas isn't really much of a fighter, but is quite flexible. Another thing to note, is that he's a total weeb.



"My stomach is flat but the 'l' is silent"

"I'm not the family disappointment right?"

Rowan Angela Roth-Wayne.

Definitely the most violent and vicious out of the bunch. More commonly addressed as 'Ro' by her siblings, Rowan is two years younger than Thomas. She is a weapons enthusiast, most comfortable with a gun or a crossbow, basically anything that requires a good aim. Rowan requires the most attention out of her family due to her sadistic personality and uncontrollable powers. Rowan is said to be very attractive, she has ruby coloured eyes with tan skin and a wavy, violet lob.

Even at such a young age, she has an amazing aim and brilliant stamina. Rowan is an ambivert and loves to spend time with her Uncle Jason but has a horrible relationship with Thomas but no one knows why though. She tends to avoid talking/using her powers or even acknowledging them at all and had a crush on Harry Potter, much to her fathers dismay.


"People say I'm crazy but I'm really just bored"

"I was told to think before I if I punch you then I have thought very carefully about it"


Maya Mara Wayne.

Maya is only two years younger than Rowan and was named after Maya Ducard and Damians cousin, Mara (who we never see again after Teen Titans Vol. 6...sadly). Her parents aren't sure whether or not she has powers. She suffers from hay fever and a weird disliking to cheese. 

She has heterochromia, with a green eye on her left and a purple eye on her right with black hair and crooked teeth.


None at the moment.

Richard Bruce Wayne.

Richard is the youngest out of the Roth-Wayne family, being four years younger then Maya. His parents discovered his powers after he refused to eat his breakfast and caused an explosion within the Manor. In his very few years of living, he has shown a love and care for animals. He has Black hair, amaranthine coloured eyes, pale skin and freckles.


None at the moment.


Dang, that was a lot of children. 

Sooo... would anyone actually wanna read a book about these people? I kind of have an idea in my mind but I won't publish anything if no body is gonna read it~

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